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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Wagner, get fucking real. Tell me you don't think there's a serious possibility of an absolute shit storm brewing.
  2. My last comment had absolutely nothing to do with a Gun Ban nor it's potential outcomes, Yet thats the first thing that pops into your mind whenever anyone talks about guns and/or a gun ban. Im not surprised. Does anyone on here actually own a gun because they want to protect there personal freedoms in the event of a outright Governmental collapse?
  3. You guys want to worry about your bans worry about your bans. Bitch all you want about the possibility someone is going to enact a law to restrict you from getting them. Just don't forget the fact that someday you may need those guns to fight off something much worse then proposed legislation.
  4. Thats the correct answer in a functioning two party system. The Republican party is not functioning, and that's putting mildly.
  5. So the Republicans deny the will of the people and Nominate someone other then Donald Trump. Donald Trump goes ape shit crazy and starts ripping apart the Entire political process. Yeah, nothing changes. Donald Trump gets the Republican Nomination, Republicans themselves jump ship from the party in droves, denouncing their leader en-mass. Yeah, nothing changes. Donald Trump somehow wins the Presidency, despite both parties overwhelming objections. Yeah, nothing changes. No matter how you slice it American Politics will never be the same after this Election year. Question is just how bad things could get. Nobody know's, we've never been here before.
  6. And don't think for a split second he wont take the 2A issue to the MAX in order to get every last vote. And about the GOP Nomination, the only Miracle now is that he somehow DOESN'T get it. Republicans are jumping ship left and right. Shit could go seriously South after the Convention, especially if they (Republicans, his own Party) block Trump from getting the Nomination.
  7. LOL @ me starting a thread to secretly gain support for a Female president. The only thing worse then Hillary Clinton is Donald Trump. The American Political systems is about to get royally fucked with. Shit could hit the fan here real fast. All I hear from the Pro-Gun 2A people are the same-old same-old arguments about Democrats putting restrictions on there guns or taking there guns. Hilary said this, Hillary said that. I hear nothing about how the Republican party is literally about to disintegrate, leading to a Political Scenario / Election year this country has never seen, nor fathomed. I just wish you guys were saying more things like "holy fuck, we might need to bear arms when all of this is over" it would make me, along with the founding fathers, feel a whole lot better.
  8. I don't like Hillary Clinton. I don't think she should be President. Im terrified of Donald Trump, and will buy a Gun *In Preparation* to defend myself/this country if he gets Elected President. Im not worried about Gun issues, im worried about Gun control issues becoming a senseless issue in this Election. Am I worried Donald Trump will use Gun-Control rhetoric as a tool to split Pro-Gun advocates apart at the seams, in some desperate attempt to gain the Presidency? Absolutely. I mean seriously, say Donald Trump made the 2A a massive issue in his Campaign. How many of you guys would have trouble NOT voting for him?
  9. And INB4 Trump makes Gun Control / Gun Rights a HUGE issue during the Presidential Campaign. Preying on peoples ludicrous fears, then gaining popularity via the hysterical media frenzy that follows is classic Trump (and Classic Hitler for that matter).
  10. Rhetoric is the same, I have no problem agreeing on that. What im arguing is the Rhetoric is coming from both sides. His own party doesn't like him and is scared shitless. This is a first (or second) for this Country and is cause for some serious concern. Especially given Trumps personal History and lack of Political experience. I know that, the Democrats know that, others on here do not. Which is why I started this thread.
  11. Hit the case with throughly with a heat gun, should be able to peel it apart with ease. But yeah, if your that uncomfortable about simply opening it up don't even touch it, lol.
  12. When it comes to something that is going to alter whom I vote for as President, in what could be one of the most important Elections in the History of this Country, I want to hear it from the horses mouth. I know better then to trust the media, any media. Others do not. Thats what scares me.
  13. That doesn't surprise me.
  14. Comment wasn't directed towards you.
  15. Name a significant Commercial interest that will significantly benefit from a Gun Ban / Confiscation. The rubber-bullet/Mace industry? Yeah, their the ones pushing it The truth is nobody is pushing it (save the families of of Mass Shootings victims) because nobody benefits. It's a loose-loose. It isn't going to happen. Again, the likely hood of you needing a Gun to protect yourself from a failed Trump-run Government are far more greater then the likely hood of any sort of restriction put in place by Clinton. Man you guys need to wake up.
  16. Link to speech please. If she said something about Gun Confiscation I need to hear it. Sorry but thats borderline treason. She knows that.
  17. http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/22/hillary-clinton-is-wrong-about-gun-laws-in-australia-and-the-uk/ "On Friday, Clinton made fun of those worried about confiscation. She said people get scared into thinking that “a black helicopter is going to land in the front yard and somebody is going to take your guns." You know why Clinton made fun of it? Because it's never, ever going to happen. She knows just as well as I do any attempt to forcibly take guns from law abiding citizens is going to result in war. The idea of taking peoples guns is fucking luzly. Take it from a Democrat, we aren't going there. Thats the last thing the Democratic party wants nor needs is an all-out war. We hate war. The leader for the Democratic party isn't stupid, crazy nor incompetent. I firmly believe the leader for the other party is. Like seriously, no Political Rhetoric here, Donald Trump as a President is downright Scary. Please note, that while I think Obama hasn't been a half-bad President (lets face it, he's done a pretty damn good job) I voted for Mccain the first time around.
  18. Show me. If you can prove what you say is true I wont vote for her. And I mean that. An American Presidential Nominee that supports British Gun-Control Policies. Founding Fathers would be Nauseous. We're getting close to Trump level insanity. Not quite there, but close. Again, if what you say is true please provide proof.
  19. I don't believe it. It will set off an absolute shit-storm nobody (including myself) in the Democratic party wants. It isn't worth it and they know it. Democrats are all about peace, love and hippy bullshit. Significant Gun restrictions literally have the chance to cause war. Democrats hate war, let alone Civil War.
  20. So there's limitations. Yes, im sure thats cause for a bit of unrest. Seems like all you Gun guys think you're going to loose every last gun you own because of Clinton. It isn't going to happen. The day the Government comes knocking on every law-abiding citizens door demanding their guns is the day I buy one to help you out. The odds of you needing a Gun to defend yourself against a failed Trump-run Government are exponentially greater then the odds of Clinton successfully getting any significant restrictive gun legislation passed. I think alot of you have lost sight of that.
  21. Last but not least, Guns are the way you defend your country. I think alot of guys have lost sight of that fact.
  22. I just keep hearing "ZOMG Clinton gone take or Guns" "OMG, She's talking about Automatic Weapons". I keep hearing that, and I keep picturing the founding Father's vomiting in their Graves, saying "You idiot, we gave you the right to bear arms for the sole purpose of fighting against the other guy in the race"
  23. Thats the point, nobody's talking about taking your guns, or even anything close. All you second amendment gun guys are getting so caught up in Gun-Rights Scare that you're oblivious to the fact that the other Candidate is the one whom the founding fathers gave you the rights to use guns against.
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