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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. And Paul, no offense, had I known it was you that changed it I probably wound't have started this thread (I know you's a hater, I can deal with it). I thought it was like Tina or Christian_Clay trying to get all PC. And LOL at changing the thread title again.
  2. Im not even stressing, bro. For realz. It's late December and it's like 60 Fucking degrees. Errrday a Holiday.
  3. Im sure he was well on his way to being shitfaced when he posted that Not surprised at all.
  4. Good lawd, Long FUCKING day :gabe: Personally? I don't give a fuck. That said, this site has always given members the freedom to say basically whatever the fuck they want (Racism/Threats aside) and leave it up to randomness to see what transpires next. I like that. You can't find another site out there like it. It gives this place something all its own. You start randomly removing what people have to say (or worse changing what people have to say) and it's going to get a whole different vibe; it's going to loose the elements that make it great - At least thats my viewpoint. Now, on to why I used the language I did. Steve Harvey didn't "Mess Up" he FUCKED UP. Big.... BIG difference. Say maybe he mis-pronounced a Contestant's last name.. yea, at that point it would be safe to say he Messed Up. Dude announced the wrong Winner of a Miss America Pageant, and he had it on paper right in front of him. Then he let the show go on, music and all, for 3 full minutes before coming back out to announce that he read the wrong name off the piece of paper. Dude Fucked Up, Hardcore. No other words can better describe it. On that note Im changing the Title back (for the second time).
  5. The new and improved CR: Brought to you by the 700 Club and ChristiansforJesus.com.
  6. So since when can we not drop F-Bombs in thread titles? One of the reasons I love this place so much is because I can basically say whatever the fudge I want to. Is Cr trying to go PC? Please say it aint so...:dumb:
  7. Fixed. But yea, Columbia has some LLLEEEGGG's
  8. The look on his face @ 2:53 says it all; he done fucked up good.
  9. He's probably a few Bottles deep on the Whiskey by now. That had to hurt. The look on his face after the crowd cheers (2:53) is downright priceless
  10. :lolguy: Times like these are when I wish we had Rep. back.
  11. FWD with a Longitudinally mounted Engine? Brilliant. FWD with a Sidewinder? Not even once.
  12. I gotta ask, you going to vote for him? (For those who don't know Tim, he loves himself some Republicans, and thats putting it mildly). As a middle-of-the-road libby, (whom voted for Mccain the first time around - there's a real Presidential Candidate), I thought for sure the Republicans had learned there lesson with President Cheney in office. I was wrong. Now you go and get someone like Donald Fucking Trump to be your front-runner. L-O-FUCKING-L. He's laughable VP material on a good day:confused: My Sister (whom is pretty damn Conservative) even said she's slightly scared that he's already achieved the following he has, I mean this is exactly how Hitler got into power. Trump is a billionare, old-money Reality-T.V. host that is more then likely (at this point) going to win the Republican Ticket. Scary, shit is Scary.
  13. Final Score Oklahoma 72, OK St. 27
  14. Came here to say this, hot Damn we're looking good. Just caught your name change, :lolguy:
  15. Got a Pinhole leak in my (aftermarket) powersteering line. Would rather not order another since last time it took like 3 weeks to get here. At any rate the leak is near the end of one of the connections, and I believe any shop should be able to cut the bad section out and thread a new connection on. Did some quick research and a couple of guys on the BMW forums seem to rebuild their lines quite a bit. I guess it's not all that difficult, just requires some collars, connections and a table vice to crimp the collar down. Anyone familiar with the process? I honestly have no idea how these fuckers are made, nor what is required to fix them. But im half tempted to give it a shot. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=731&pictureid=8343
  16. No, sounds like a Prosecutor who didn't want to fiddle fuck with a petty traffic offense.
  17. I know this is only going to further enrage you, but the Prosecutor likely offered up the dismissal without the defendant saying so much as a word, At least that's what transpired in my case. I literally signed in, then 5 minutes later Prosecutor dude walked up to me and says "Im dropping the charges due to the fact the witness (other party in the accident) didn't show up, your free to go" Fact of the matter is Columbus DA's give absolutely zero fucks about Traffic crimes. Seriously, you'll be sitting in court with Crack heads that got busted stealing 40's of Old English from 711 sitting on your left, dudes that spent there last $20 on the bag of Heroin they are being charged with sitting on your right. These are the people the Prosecutors/Judges are there to deal. As I said in my own court-thread a few years back, Columbus DA's seem to do every last thing they can to get petty traffic offenses thrown out/dismissed as fast as possible. That said, sounds like the Prosecutor made you a promise she likely didn't keep, nor had any intention of keeping. Now that is something id be extremely pissed off about. They swore an Oath to see Justice Served to the best of their control ("Justice" being a punishment that both of you see fit). Not only did she fail to uphold Justice, she straight lied to you (or "gravely misspoke) in the process. I'd file an official complaint. Prosecutors are held to much higher standards then your average Attorney and should never be pulling shit like that.
  18. acklac7

    I'm back.

  19. acklac7

    I'm back.

    Link to beat infamous "Phil" thread. I never was a giant fan of all the old school E-Battles, but this thread literally had me in tears.
  20. acklac7

    I'm back.

    Splat is a pretty cool dude. He deserves a lot of credit for posting his personal info on here, knowing full well It would turn into a shitstorm.He stuck it out like a pro, and in the end many lulz were had at his expense. He gave absolutely zero fucks. Jumping on people right off the bat isn't going to earn you a lot of respect here, even if those people seemingly have no respect at all.
  21. Why not let Cardale drive in the first place?
  22. AFAIK they charge you a nominal fee for canceling, $3.00 or something.
  23. acklac7


    No FD, No Care. Pics?
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