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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. No. Not the same. This is different. His own party is absolutely terrified he's about to get the Nomination. This has Happened maybe once or twice in the Country's History. Him winning potentially opens the door to more then you can possibly fathom. History is on my side. Who knows, maybe everything goes fucking peachy. I doubt it. Personally, If he wins the Election, I'll buy a Gun. Count on it.
  2. You do realize that the founding Fathers specifically crafted the 2nd Amendment such that some how, some way, someone like Donald Trump end up in Office (and absolutely loose control of the country) we, the people, would have the ability to take it back. For the record Im 100% neutral on the Gun issue. Not against them, not for them. Also don't like either Trump nor Clinton, at this point still Heavily undecided, but Clinton is obviously the worse of two evils (Honestly I'd love to see Kasich get the Nomination). That said, Trump is all over the place, he's an old Money Celebrity TV show host who loves the headlines. He's been Bankrupt numerous times and has zero Political experience. His own party is terrified he's about to get the Nomination. So question: Do you vote against someone who might (and thats a big might, personally I dont think Democrats have the balls to do it) restrict your gun access? Or do you vote for someone whom the founding fathers specifically gave you the rights to bear arms against?
  3. Id crack the case open and reflow all the solder joints before I spent another penny ( assuming you're good with a soldering iron). Japanese cars and solder joint issues go together like bread and butter.
  4. No, the best one is the one that goes out of their way to cross reference every vehicle in the yard to see if they have the PART you need . Most of those Corporate yards don't even have staffed phone lines
  5. Woodys is my spot. Not the cleanest or most organized place by any stretch of the imagination, it's a true old-school Junkyard. Most of the time they'd just eye ball a part and give me a quote off the top of their head. Haven't been there in a couple years though. Also Woodys doesnt charge entry fees for repeat customers. Pretty much if they remember your face they wave you on in. At least that's the way it used to be. And what do you mean by "best"? You mean the one that has the widest variety of vehicles? or the one that provides the best level of service/customer satisfaction. Got bad news for you, you can't have both.
  6. Hate to say it, but GM LOL.
  7. Woody's wanted to give me 40% less then Scrap value for a shell w/transmission & Suspension. Called them on it and they responded "we'll, we're a Junk yard, not a scrap yard" :jerkit:
  8. I passed on this procedure when I was 15, as I really wasn't having any problems. Fast forward to the mobility problems im having now, and Surgery was an absolute no-brainer. Literally giggity with excitement that im going to have semi-functional toes again. My left foot was in rough, rough shape, basically was walking on a tripod: http://i.imgur.com/IR3AoVs.jpg
  9. I have an inherited Nueropathy/Muscular Dystrophy (C.M.T). As I stated earlier i've had this condition/Deformity since I was a child, however it never really affected me that much. Starting about 4 years ago things started going down hill, rapidly. Got to the point I pretty much had a tripod for a left foot. http://i.imgur.com/X5KfNdR.jpg?1
  10. Oh, there's pins in there too :no:
  11. No post X-ray pics, yet. Probably have them done towards the end of everything. This is pretty much exactly what I had done. Also had some work done on my Achilles tendon.
  12. And for the triple, before and after pics. http://i.imgur.com/bjRfoNZ.jpg
  13. I've seen them caught at Northbank park from the pavilion. The biggest trick to catching flatheads is use live bait. And target them during the Spawn (June-July). Pretty Much go below any Dam on the Scioto from June-July and use live bluegill as bait. Surprising how many are actually in the river, just nobody catches them because they're not using live bait.
  14. Scioto around Columbus has an excellent population of Flatheads, although they don't get nearly as big as their Ohio river brothers.
  15. Predominant upside down "L" taillights on a Caddy? GTFO.
  16. Ohio fishing, especially Central-Ohio fishing, can be downright phenomenal, right up there with Canada (no, im not Joking). Only Caveat is you have to go balls-deep; you just dibble dabble here and there and it's going to suck. And Hoover got Big old Saugeye
  17. Now, on to the Surgery. Had Surgery last Monday; everything went great, until the nerve-block weared off, then HOLY-FUCK... PAINNN! Gulping down Percoset pain. Like someone standing infront of you Sawing off your toes pain (no shit). Nothing like feeling wires and screws thoroughly penetrating every inch of your toes/fore-ankle, fucking blissful experience that was. FOR THE RECORD (And I wish someone told me this earlier, perhaps they did, sorry if I missed it) The first three Days are horrid; after that things improve exponentially. 8 Days later and I don't even need over the counter pain medication. That said, (and Im going to tell my Dr.this tomorrow) there is absolutely no excuse not to get a full-strength, pure-opioid pain prescription for the 3 days following invasive Surgery. None. I know Ohio is in the midst of a pain-pill/heroin epidemic, but shit, thats still no excuse. Im not asking for a month-long prescription, not asking for a week, just 3 days of the pure-bomb-shit after Surgery; i'll never have another operation done without said prior medication consent.
  18. Kirk, no offense, but I forwarded a few of your comments to my Podiatrist, here is his response: At any rate I decided I really couldn't trust a Dr. that I'd met just once to do a procedure on my foot. I've known Dr. Anthony for three years; he was initially my Dads podiatrist, then became my podiatrist once it became evident I was going down the same path as my Father (CMT). Honestly, we're on a first-name basis, I don't even call him Dr. anymore (his preference). I fully trust any and all procedures he recommends/preforms. I just couldn't gain that much trust for someone i'd met once.
  19. Mitch and Steve: Get your fricken fishing license.
  20. acklac7


    I just wish it was Fucking Spring. Later guys.
  21. acklac7


    Grant: Im going through alot of shit right now, please give me some space while I get things sorted out. /Thread.
  22. acklac7


    Im going to do just that, hell i'd planned on doing just that. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt Grant would have a field day with me being gone, and trash-talk my name to no-end (he does it all the time). I got proved right, and felt it was necessary to come back in and tell it how it is. That said, Im out mah Dudes
  23. acklac7


    Don't talk shit you can't back up. Don't pretend you are some Lumberjack-Level, John Wayne style, God of a Man only to act like a Complete Bitch when those you deem below you call you out.
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