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Posts posted by mjrsplat

  1. Dude it's the Internet. I don't give a shot what anyone thinks is nice or not. I don't take this site or any other forum to heart. I can dish it out and I can take it. Kinda sounds a lot like Nikki don't you think?


    Not really, she's mainly just a "taker"

  2. exactly like that. however i never claimed the lexus to be nice. like i said my dog is happy in the back seat and it drives smoothly from point a to point b ;)


    It seemed you were insinuating you had a nicer car than the Gto Paul has, by the way you made a statement about owning nice things, and taking a jab at his gto ownership. Maybe that's why a few people drew the conclusion you must think your car is nicer.

  3. Rangers all vibrate enough that you won't need hearing or a tach to figure out what the engine is doing.


    I used to have a 91 Ranger 5 spd that didn't even have the tach option, I learned how to drive a manual transmission with that vehicle. I'm well aware of how they behave on the road, I'm still confident that If i were deaf in that scenario, I'd benefit from having a tachometer installed while learning to drive it. I only stated it would be helpful, I didn't state it was necessary. Also keep in mind there's not much that can go wrong with a tachometer on an older ford ranger. its either a signal issue, or a gauge issue. I'd be willing to guess its an issue with the gauge given the information the op provided as to how it starts working accurately at a certain rpm.

  4. lol. ok bro. lemme go buy some overpriced wallet because I take great pride in owning nice things. :dumb:


    and the GTO comment :fuckyeah: come at me with whatever lexus you have ya noob ass scrub. Btw, what year,model lexus do you have? brb, putting benz as my vehicle but really owning a 1990 benz that I bought for a box of fruit by the foot and a case of busch.




    Ls400 Bro bro. Yeen Wun Nun.

  5. Have you had sex with your ex since Phil beat her guts in?





































    I already told you, direct any sloppy seconds questions to Phil. He can tell you exactly how my brand tastes.

  6. holy drama on the forums lol. can i get a back story to this since i am new? you slept with a follow members girl and knew she was with him? :dumb:


    Yep. We were just fine before that. Oh, he allegedly drugged her too. I wasn't going to bring that up, but I keep hearing about how he apparently roofied her or some shit. I wouldn't put it past him at this point.

  7. When have i ever threatened you? I thought we talked about this all already??? Why would I come to your house to fite you when I was the one who slept with your girl??? What reason would I come to your place??? I must have been dreaming when we talked about this... I have no reason to come to your place to fite you. You leave crazy msgs on my phone and when I call you back you don't pick up... I doNt save your number do

    So when u text me Crazy shit idk who it is. You really need to get over it. Seriously, your bringing your personal issue (that I thought we talked out) into something that has nothing to do with what you are talkin about. And if I'm not mistaken ( which I'm not, cause I saved your vm that I play for people to laugh at) you were suppose to kick my door in and "beat me into the ground" :lol: seriously..... Again I don't ever talk about you, it's not worth my time and this will be the last time I respond to you. This is not about you and your shitty life, get over it.


    I'm over it. I've been over it. Idk why I keep hearing about these threats, and I don't care. I'm merely proving the point that you're obviously afraid of confrontation, it's been proven by your past actions, and I'd bet money that you're going to continue to let your neighbors treat you like shit. That's it.

  8. You stayed at home and waited for him too show.... stop posting now


    Not like I know where he lives... He kept saying he was going to come to my house and whip my ass, 2 months later I'm still waiting for it.

  9. You are a fucking idiot... I've already spoke with them once, at this point I'm restraining myself because Leigh and I both know if I go down there this time it's not gonna be good. Judging by my passed actions, I don't have any problem with confrontation. Seeing as you avoided me for days on in, funny you would open your mouth. How about you worry about getting your own place and worry less about me. Read before you post, it'll make you look less dumb.


    I've avoided you? When? I'm pretty sure you've got that backwards. When I first found out about you and Nikki who went into protective mode, stopped answering the phone and all that? You. Furthermore I kept hearing bullshit for the longest time following our initial exchange of words that you were going to come to my house and confront me (More like threats of violence). Did I back down? No. You know where I live, in fact when I was hearing these things, I'm the first one that called you up and said I'd be waiting. You never showed up though, so clearly you were just talking out your ass. This can also be backed up by the fact that last time you came and picked up Nikki you had Amanda drive and park way down the street. It's pretty clear your intentions are to AVOID confrontation, otherwise You would have made good on your threats by now. At any rate if you have any further issues, come see me. I'll text you my address.

  10. I'm glad you caught the Irony of it all. If I were in your shoes I'd probably put my man pants on and confront the guy. I can clearly see by your past actions that this is something you try to avoid, but there comes a time when you have to take care of business. That time for you is now. Log off, go deal with your neighbors.
  11. Yeah it sucks. I paid $65 for a temp tag I can use for about a day. Awesome.


    A temp tag should be good for 30 days regardless. And once hu go to the yle agency to get the type prograinted in your name you can just get hardplates. I don't see what you're claiming you need 2 temp tags?

  12. Apparently no one can read. Not sure how much more clearly I can state the car wouldn't be "completely stripped down", whatever that means.


    At the very least the car comes with full interior, wiring, stock suspension, wheels, tires, 2 transmissions, cv shafts, 3in exhaust, eprom tcu, blah blah blah.


    The point is you're pulling desirable parts off the car, what's the point of paying for a car that's already been picked through, and all the good stuff has been taken off? Either sell it whole and running, or just part it out. just my $.02

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