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Posts posted by mjrsplat

  1. Don't take my text as being an asshole, I was just stating that Alex is a little different and there are a few that fall into the "tolerable" category in that age group. For the most part though they are few and far between.


    You're all good. Alex is a rare breed for sure.

  2. Fear of suffocation isn't just a block in the mind man.


    When it causes panic attacks and all that, it is. I used to have issues riding in the car due to a couple times I've been caught out away from home with no inhaler. I'm better about carrying my inhaler now, and I simply don't push myself when the air quality is bad. I know my limits now, and I'm comfortable. Back in 06 you couldn't get me in a car for more than a 10 minute drive. Although I gotta say my anxiety has been high lately given that I had discovered a black mold issue in my house, and my health has been suffering. Hopefully it will all be sorted soon, I still need to steam the carpets. I envy those not sensitive to mold.

  3. Tattoo's are like wives. Some people have them and some people don't. The ones that do have them, however, some people like them and some don't. Some people think other peoples wives are good and others not so much. Both should require a lot of thought about getting because the regrets can be huge just like the cost of removal. There is nothing wrong with any tattoo what ever it may be. The only person that has to like it is the person wearing it. IMO, if your son wants something you feel is inapropriet tell him he has to wait till he's 18. If he still wants it by then he will most likely love it for life. It sucks to hear that some people think my daughters initials tattooed on me are are "tasteless"....oh wait, I almost forgot that I don't care what people think about my tattoos.


    The comments about names being tasteless usually refers to getting your own name tatted on you or a spouse/significant other. There's nothing wrong with getting a tattoo for your daughter, although there's better ideas floating around than just initials. If you enjoy it though that's what matters.

  4. Velcro, or Slippers man. Life is easier.




    I gave up on Lacing shoes a couple of years ago. Most of my shoes are slip on. Or I go in Sandles/Flip Flops.

    Racing in sandals may cause missed shifts. :fa:

    I've been looking for vel-cro dc's for a while.

  5. The t shirt thread got me thinking. There's so many ways to lace and tie shoes which is the best?


    Fat laces? Straight laced? Alternating colors? The little curly laces that Cordell probably wears?


    Once you get the perfect lace arrangement how do you tie them? Knot the ends and cut? Tie inside of tongue? Bunny ears? Loop swoop and pull? Double knotted? No laces?


    Cliffs: 25 year old man needs help tying shoes. Serious thread.

  6. you talk a ton of shit about someone you wouldnt confront in person. i like you aj, but you run your mouth so hard behind a key board, not once did you walk up to kipp and say anything to his face when he was in the same parking lot as you this summer. dont think your gf is 100% innocent chief, seems like she is the common factor in all these dudes hitting on her. ive had some long talks w/ her and you are no saint brotato. so just cause he cant defend himself on here, dont go bashing him. cause i got shit on you to if you wanna keep dogging kipp. and fyi, there are a shit ton of red f250s running around that area. dumbass


    Let's be honest Phil, there's no use confronting Kipp. I went down that road in 2008, he doesn't play fair. He's incapable of a simple confrontation without shit spiraling way out of control. As far as your dogging Nikki, feel free. You're the one constantly chatting it up with her, I'm sure you know quite a bit about her at this point. You should also know that any "dirt" you have on me is probably bullshit given you probably heard it from Nikki. Keep in mind that this is the girl that will make up outrageous lies to make her inflicted targets look like assholes. If you don't believe me ask her dad about the time she lied and said I was a woman beater. I had guns pulled on me, shit vandalized, etc all because she was mad. It was well over a month before she admitted she was lying. As far as kipp, not dogging him, not sure why you care anyway. I'm pointing out facts, his f250 sticks out like a sore thumb, it was seen leaving my neighborhood in the same time frame my car got smashed up. (they were able to narrow it down to a 10 minute window) I have yet to see another one lifted with push bars, 20" rims and all the auto zone flare around my area, but I've seen his plenty since he used to have a storage unit across the street from me so he would park his truck out there for hours and sit in it, in plain view of my house. At any rate this is all pretty stupid to argue about, if you have any other issues feel free to pm me, Facebook me, call me, whatever. I'm done talking about Kipp and Nikki.

  7. R.I.P. Spam


    Gone but not forgotten.









































































  8. No, I haven't. I haven't been around him at all for a couple years now. He seemed decent enough back in the day. Pisses me off though, especially living right up the street from you, definitely not something I expected in this area. I guess it isn't what it was 15 years ago.


    About 3 weeks ago a drunk guy in a stolen van took out my neighbor's car and a light pole. A few weeks before that, same scenario, but with a car at the other end of the street. Let's not forget to mention vehicle break ins on my street, that's a common occurrence. As far as kipp goes, he was a tool a few years ago too. I've never seen any good in him.

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