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Posts posted by mjrsplat

  1. You're over it when I say you're over it fuck stick.


    Now go find my bitch and yall go jack me a new radio for the car and make it a nice one. I want my sounds to reflect my awesomeness.


    I could record myself taking a dump and it would automatically reflect more awesomeness than youre capable of projecting. You sit there and keep thinking you're a pimp, while I'm busy flushing a big pile of better than you down the toilet.


    This sounds more like jelousy than a comeback. What, daddy doesn't want to hang out with you? Can't say I blame him. If you were my kid I would want to suck start a shotgun to.


    jealousy? My car flys now I don't need my daddy's help and I certainly don't talk about how I'll have a v8 next year. :dumb: when is your v8 swap projected to be finished by the way? Oh, let me guess. Next year. Go bug Mr "nasty v6" in the meantime while your daddy finishes your motor..


    I don't always triple post, but when I do




    subliminal gregface


    I don't always triple post, but when I do






    subliminal gregface

  2. Coming from a guy who's joke makes no sense... I'm pretty sure my little niece has better come backs than you and she can't even talk. If your going to be this annoying because your wanna be butt buddy is gone, please do the world a favor and just go walk off a high cliff.


    This is a big boy thread,you must've taken a wrong turn ending up here. You should go back to the garage with your daddy.

  3. There should be a new thread where Mr. Splat and GTP/LS1 just constantly talk shit to each other


    No use, his comebacks are weaker than the greeters at wal-mart he sees on a constant basis.

  4. Check out Android central or xdadevelopers. I'm not sure which version of the evo you have, but there's quite a following in the modding community for all of them so an ice cream sandwich upgrade doesn't seem to far fetched.
  5. nope, I like to buy my electronics on the cheap from crackheads. I'll just wait and get yours when it comes up for sale.


    I thought you were ballin outta control go get one captain pimp limp matter electrician of the world. You won't get mine I can pass a drug screening. I'd bet money you can't, but that would take cash away from your iPad fund.

  6. Submiminal??? Be honest, You just took a blast off your crack pipe when you wrote that.


    IPad auto correct. not sure you'd know what that is, do they sell iPads in wal-mart?

  7. Time to get this back on track, wnaplay you suck you son of a bitch ead.





























    subliminal gregface:gabe:

  8. See that bulge in my pants? That's my dick bruh, I don't need to stuff cash in my pants to make a bulge. I doubt you threw down 6k on your wardrobe that day unless you bought everything walmart had in your size. You're just an electrician stop trying to Sound like king shit. I bet you paid for that janky prison tat in food stamps.
  9. I see you found a picture of a real man. Nice job! That was me balling out of control in South Florida 2005. Only in your dreams are you as good as me on my worst day. Picture Me Rollin!


    Step away from the crack pipe you're becoming delusional.


    Lol I see a skinhead with tattoos showing bragging about " ballin outta control" while wearing a full wardrobe straight outta walmart. Florida is old news too, I started going for vacations there when I was 7 or 8. Vegas is where it's at, it's a real mans town but you probably wouldn't know shit about that. Just remember in 05 you were posted up on a guardrail by a lake, I was kickin it with strippers in Vegas.

  10. Name: mjrsplat


    Join Date: January 16, 2011


    Known Aliases: Aj, beet dique sooprah, sir post a lot, I name raped you


    Approximate value: low level troll


    Known allies/associates: brkazzgsx (banned), Patterson


    Known enemies: Phil, most of CR


    Respect: 2/10


    Relevance: 6/10


    E-warrior abilities: 7/10


    Car: 6/10


    Online persona: 6/10


    Notables: Has been the source of much ridicule due to what is regarded as "pube-like" facial hair on his chin. Was involved in fairly high-level debate with Phil concerning his ex-girlfriend, who many referred to as a crackhead. Is able to form coherent sentences. Is also able to poke fun at himself, which is a relatively rare commodity. Was amongst an influx of a breed of "new trolls" that infiltrated CR in early 2011. Is often tortured by Brian Carter (administrator). Has a car in which the seats resemble the mask from the movie Scream.


    Images most often associated with this member: [material forthcoming]


    This made me LOL hard. I have only a few small corrections for you though. I am on no way an affiliate of James, I basically can't stand the guy. The supra is gone. I have no issues with Phil. overall good post, I can picture it on a trading card.

  11. Yeah, I find it difficult at times to keep that little cadre of new trolls/retards straight. We need like a Wiki-esque CR thread where we can post information on members - their aliases, what they're known for, etc.


    Also I enjoyed how the OP got shit turned on his head with the quickness. This is what happens when that one person decides to bitch just a bit too much, I guess.


    Ok I'll start. I'm Aj aka Mjrsplat, beet dique sooprah, sir post a lot, _______, I name raped you, etc. I'm known as a "low level troll" I've been told I rank SLIGHTLY above James aka spam who was so annoying he got banned. I'm also known as cr's whipping boy in that every time I start a thread, it turns against me.


    With that out of the way, I'll be waiting for a badass triple post to make me giggle in response.

  12. Oh no I finally received it, as usual it made no sense something about having no real intentions of hiring me. I was really looking forward to the income. You have hurt 2 people now in this thread.


    Ok I take it back. I'll hire you to teach me how to put bb's in basketball hoops. :fa:


    Im going to name rape you


    Best name rape yet. You deserve +rep. :fuckyeah:


    I know you're used to me talking shit to you, but I wasn't talking about you this time.


    I see what your doing their. :gabe:

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