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Posts posted by mjrsplat

  1. Well, that is amazingly helpful. I'm so glad we have such an experienced and mature member like you on here to wisely hand out sage advice like 'OP is an idiot'. What would we do without you?


    +1 Find a replacement even if you have to order it in from somewhere.

    I still stand by my statement, You're an idiot.

  2. FWIW, both my Maxima and Corvette over the last 10 years had aftermarket wheels, and aluminum hubcentric rings were NECESSARY.


    I understand that, but hub centric rings are not to be used as a band aid to make use of a damaged wheel. He should have replaced the rim THEN made use of hub centric rings.

  3. You have 2 options here. Get a slim, or fix your rrod the right way. New thermal paste alone does nothing, to fix it right you would need to get rid of the x clamps and replace with screws and washers, new thermal paste, and reflow the board around the CPU and gpu. There's guides all over the Internet on how to do it, but honestly if it's in your budget get a slim. Better hardware, built in wifi, etc.
  4. Or, instead of giving BS speeding tickets they could cite people for ACTUALLY doing dumb shit like I don't know... Blocking the passing lane(s)? Or maybe tailgating? Or driving at night without their fucking lights on? Or maybe they could just fuck off.


    The speed limit could be 140mph, and I could still only go as fast as the fucktard ahead of me.


    that shit drives me nuts.

  5. You bastards better stay outta the country. Of course, lots of people don't know that's where food comes from.

    Will trade food for hot wimmenz :)


    Ok my plans changed. I'll be hitting the strip clubs and rounding up women. what's the woman to livestock trade ratio?

  6. I'll give you an opportunity to please explain what your definition is of a "real car"?


    I think I can answer that for him.









































































  7. Yeah.. I was just saying no electricity to the general public. People could find ways to run radios and what not. I think we would see a lot of looting and it would resemble a zombie attack if we were stripped of electricity. Once your fridge stops working and Krogers food goes bad (or rations supplies) people would show their true colors.


    I 100% agree with this. First grocery store trips would turn into black friday sales with mobs of angry citizens punching each other over the last can of spaghetti o's. After that houses would be robbed for food. When all that fails, people would notice their pets coming up missing.


    I'd skip to step 2 while everyone else is at the store stocking up. :gabe:

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