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Posts posted by mjrsplat

  1. If I continue this can I be charged with some sort of crime against the menatally challenged?


    You're the one who can't figure out the private message inbox. :dumb:

  2. I've never seen a "meth head" that had "body mass" that didn't look like an advanced AIDS patient. I'm beginning to think some of you don't understand what meth does to a person.


    You seem experienced in this area, could you please explain the effects of methamphetamine on the body for those of us who have no personal experience with it?

  3. You really spent 45 mins looking through the post pics of yourself thread in an attempt at finding a picture, any picture of someone posting in this thread to use as your great comeback? Thats the very best you could come up with? You didnt even take the effort at photoshoping something of hilarity to it? Kids today lack effort.


    No I spent 40 minutes playing Modern warfare 3 then I got bored, picked up the iPad and came back to this thread. I spent the additional 5 minutes making use of the search box to see if Gtpnls1 posted in the picture thread. Sure enough he did, and he looks the part of the "white trash meth head" role, so I figured I'd come back and point out the irony. No photoshop necessary.

  4. Hey OP, take Phils cock out your mouth and go back to being a white trash meth head.


    Quoted for irony.














































  5. Stop being such a butthurt faggot. You're obviously worked up due to recent events, Don't take that shit out on me. There's no need to run around deleting my posts for "off topic replies" in a thread EVERYONE was shitting in (in an off topic subforum). You "warned me" via pm. :dumb: Also I didn't have a problem with you before, Idk why you're coming down on me for stupid shit. Is it because you have an issue with Phil and I dont? Or is it because your life away from cr is so miserable, you had to log on and fuck with someone? I can see why that little kid capped your basketball hoop, I would have too. Did you ever do anything about that situation or did you sit there and take it like a bitch, bottle it all up, then find someone on the internet to pick on? I'd bet it's the latter of the two.


    Next time you feel the need to be a prick, put your man pants on and go deal with that little kid that shot up your house.




    I guess if you just stick to one version of "your" and "their" when typing, one of them will be correctly used eventually.


    Could you please explain to me where I misused either of the words you mentioned in the quoted post?

  6. Stop being such a butthurt faggot. You're obviously worked up due to recent events, Don't take that shit out on me. There's no need to run around deleting my posts for "off topic replies" in a thread EVERYONE was shitting in (in an off topic subforum). You "warned me" via pm. :dumb: Also I didn't have a problem with you before, Idk why you're coming down on me for stupid shit. Is it because you have an issue with Phil and I dont? Or is it because your life away from cr is so miserable, you had to log on and fuck with someone? I can see why that little kid capped your basketball hoop, I would have too. Did you ever do anything about that situation or did you sit there and take it like a bitch, bottle it all up, then find someone on the internet to pick on? I'd bet it's the latter of the two.


    Next time you feel the need to be a prick, put your man pants on and go deal with that little kid that shot up your house.

  7. Don't be Troll McDouche and take shots at someone that cant respond


    Leigh can respond, he was there. I guess if you knew the situation, you wouldn't think I was trolling. Phil kept me out of jail that night by talking us out of a huge mess, for that I'm thankful and he knows that. He did see my taillights that night, but that's not what made the night interesting. If I wanted to "take shots" at Phil, I could just text him or Facebook him.

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