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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. mjrsplat


    I may make it out.
  2. mjrsplat

    Fri 8/19

    i'll probably stop out.
  3. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/2.jpg
  4. About to be 25 :dumb: I'd rather get snipped
  5. Triple for baby number 3 here's a picture. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/de677417.jpg
  6. Well the past 3 days it's been 7+7+5 plus I managed to get a nap in so + 1. a good nights sleep would do some good right now. It's totally worth it though.
  7. Nikki just had the baby, her name is Cadence Marie she's 8lbs 6 oz 21 inches long, and happy as can be. I will post pics later.
  8. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    Fine. I will powder coat them myself. Wish me luck.
  9. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    Double. Fuck iPad.
  10. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    Erik I may have something for you to powder coat if I ever get my other parts back. :gabe:
  11. Were u just driving down sancus? I thought I saw your truck.
  12. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    Honda odyssey :masturboy:
  13. Brb pissing in a pepsi bottle.
  14. A friend saw this ad and would like the multicolored white one.
  15. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    Don't leave me out of the loop. I may need to test my new toy.:gabe:
  16. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    you wouldn't. :dumb:
  17. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

  18. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    fixed. :gabe: btw chris if you want a rematch, the car doesnt leave for about another hour.
  19. Glad to hear you got the camaro sold.. My supra will be leaving tomorrow.
  20. mjrsplat

    Bitchass racers

    This. I know of a white rx7 that would eat it alive. :gabe:
  21. mjrsplat

    Rip Jon linn

    My hair is rugged and masculine. Fuck your luxurious hair. :dumb:
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