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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. Also, I agree with what your saying 110%. I believe it is time to get a president/leader to run this country like a successful company.


    I agree 100%, unfortunately no one has the guts to step up and do it while in office. Side story: my dads family is from the ghetto of New Orleans. They lived off welfare for countless years. When Louisiana made it harder to keep getting section 8 and welfare, amazingly they all got off the system and got their shit together. It works, people just have be willing to be the bad guy.

  2. Agreed. The bill was basically a smoke screen to make it look like something was being done. I will not vote for Obama or anyone else who voted for the bill in the next election. The US tried playing the game with S&P and finally someone said enough is enough.
  3. It doesn't matter if they pay taxes or not. They did not go through the proper process to get in the country, simple. If my wife and her family can do along with thousands of others, so can they. She gets so pissed over this topic because she/family thinks is disgusting how they did everything the right way, but others who want to sneak in somehow think that they belong in this country and deserve the same rights.
  4. I do believe that most of it is not Obama's fault. This has been building since WWII. Were Obama does take his part if the blame is not wanting more cuts and go past the demands of S&P. That would have meant cutting tree hugger programs, welfare, unemployment to normal levels, and reduce the military.....that would have got the job done and lost a ton of supporters. Big government has been used to buy votes from both parties and now it finally has hit the fan.


    I am filling up my gas car and gas cans in the morning, because I expect gas to be back to $4 by the end of next week or two at the latest.


    Yes, S&P does not have the best reputation.

  5. It is YEARS of failed policy by all parties. YEARS of pissing money away and now economics has showed up to collect the tab.


    Our political system is offically a joke run by nothing more than trash in suits. When the revolution happens they will be the first ones to go.


    Agreed. This whole shitmess started during WWII. Companies were desperate for employees so they started benefits trend. Companies started paying more into retirement, benefits, etc more than what their employees were contributing. Then the unions got involved and continued the stupidity with factories, city gov, and federal systems. Everything is fine when companies are making shittons of money. The problem comes around when the profits dip and companies realise that oh shit were are paying more into benefits than what are profits our. So companies fail, cities go bankrupt, and raise the fuck out of taxes. With this NAFTA/globalizasion of our economy, companies said fuck paying people 20 an hour plus benefits to assemble a toaster. Our government from all parties allowed hundreds of thousands of jobs to go overseas. As long as the politicians and buddies kept making money they didn't give a shit. Now it's finally reaching a breaking point. This in combination with the government to use as many social welfare programs to get votes.


    Heres an example, my father contributes 10% into his retirement. His company contribures 14%. Were talking an income over 100k . You multiply that across the board for management/higher ups, shits gets expensive fast.

  6. I bought these awhile ago for the Cressida almost a year ago and I still haven't used them yet. So I may as well and sell them so I can cut down alittle on the pile in the garage. There is no curb rash on 3 of the rims and barely any on the 4th rim. The bolt pattern is 4x114.3 and the rims are 14x7's all the way around.



  7. yes the technology is there too make fast cars, but it still takes alot of time and effort to get those times. An example would be all of Underground Racing cars that were on Fast Times on Speed Channel. It was your typical rich guy who spent 50-100k on top of their car purchase price to run 10-12's.


    I would buy a roller with the suspension work already done and put in your own drivetrain. Of coarse all with cash since it's just for giggles.


    Your level of fast depends on how easily you want to wrap your car around a tree(which I hope never happens). Some people want a car that will launch and not have to worry too much about it losing it. Others build some over the top shit and accept the fact that outside of a perfectly prepped track they will have to peddle it the whole way half the time or more.

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