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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. I'm calling bs on the article. I was told from a Gahanna City engineer that it cost 25,000 and that Heartland bank had stepped up and paid $20K of it. The rest was covered by donations. Unless something fell through.


    I still don't get though how taxes are higher in Gahanna and the collected business revenue is back up to 2007 levels, yet the city is so broke. I honestly can't even imagine how much they blew on expanding the high school. Grant it I will catch crap for it, but the old school cement/brick buildings were fine. Public schools are not intended to look like some college campuses and is only their to provide basic education. The rest is up to the parents. Elaborate campuses and single use sports facilities should not be funded by tax payers. If education is such a priority for certain parents, then they can make the sacrifices and send their kids to private schools.

  2. He obviously broke the drunk driving rule. Keep drinking until you see odd numbers of one thing, then aim for the one in the middle.


    In all seriousness, it's too bad he is gone and I doubt any of us would have done things differently. Tons of cash, fast life, funny guy on the block, and famous. Too bad it ended the way it did.

  3. I have driven and owned a few Dodges over the years... 3 stock neons, Spirit R/T, Dodge Omni GLHS, and I personally would pass on the Caliber. The neon SRT-4 has an engine that has been in the works since the 91 Spirit R/T, is rock solid, tons of aftermarket support, and easy to work on. People fail to forget that Dodge had turbo 4 cylinders in the 80's and have 3 decades of research behind their turbo 4's. The big problem is finding one that has not been beat to death. Also, don't expect to have a comfy long lasting interior. The cars are meant for fun and thats it.
  4. We will see how serious the NCAA is about obeying the rules. Maybe that have to bring in BYU to runs things and make the hard decisions.


    Also, fuck ESPN. So much of the their breaking reporting is nothing but opportunistic crap.

  5. An easy option, is to:

    1. Pull your motor and do head gasket, bearings, valve seals and piston rings.

    2. Drop springs, camber kits, and bushings.

    3. Cheap turbo if you want to spend all your money.

    You wouldn't go broke and you would have a car you could have fun in.

  6. I was about to say, it seems like an updated MH-60 to me. All I can remember is, those damn whirlybirds are quiet. As in, a lot quieter than a UH-60 by a long shot.


    It's amazing how much quieter the military copters has gotten. I use to literally live 3 blocks from an Army Air Field growing up. The older copters would rattle the windows day and night. The newer ones with the bubble on top were hard to hear and locate behind a tree line.

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