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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. Kerry let me understand this. If you have a public interaction schedule for your yourself then its ok to go out in public when needed? You were so unhappy about lowe's distancing that you stood in line to buy a grill.


    Waiting for protesting about how Sweden and Israel is handling things regarding corona.

  2. Whats everyones level of quarantine, are you wearing PPE or inflatable dinosaur costumes?


    The wife is a teacher so she's obviously home, I got laid off due to the virus. The only time we go into public its the grocery store or Lowes(waited 45min on Sunday), etc to get a couple things since we started a renovation before this happened. That only happens once a week.

    Her parents are over becuase her Dad is doing all the reno, he's retired. My parents stopped by just this week, but they are the same as us, just out for supplies once a week and Mom is retired; and there's no hugs or anything, everyone keeps their distance.

    We've had a couple "Zoom" drinking parties with friends but I would not be against hanging out at the firepit or on the patio with a couple close friends/neighbors.


    Whats everyones expectation of lifting the quarantine?


    All I keep hearing from friends/family is that in X months it will be back to normal. I hate to burst your bubble, there is not a normal anymore; the world is foerever changed.


    It is a very unfortuante situation for many. Here's the thing, our constitution did not give us temporary permissions for freedom from the goverment dependant upon the governments need. It gave us the liberty to travel freely, speak freely, and to defend ourselves when needed from tyrany. Our future will change only if we accept it.

  3. "Yes you can make the case that the individual was aware of the state restrictions and chose to attend, but once that attendee becomes a plaintiff, they are going to say that the venue made them believe they were safe by saying the restrictions were unnecessary and defying them. "


    if the venue does not state that on there website or any interactions then that is invalid

  4. You're missing that in this scenario there's a standing order not to open for safety reasons. If there's a killer on the loose and the governor says "No events because this guy might show up and shoot everyone," and they open anyway and a guy shows up and shoots everyone.... that's on the place for defying the order.


    eta: Well maybe it's not "on the place" but I do think it would open them up to a lawsuit from the victim's families.


    the same could be said for any retailer selling non-essential items which happens in bulk at costco, big box retailer, or card dealerships you can walk into. one of the problems with the stay at home orders is they are logically inconsistent.

  5. then the carrier would be personally liable for damages if norwalk did not know in advance they were. If a facility has a sign that says no firearms allowed on property and an employee goes on a shooting rampage, then the company is not liable. The same could be said for sam's club, costo, wal-mart etc. I don't see much protesting pushing to keep them closed.
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