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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. cliffnotes is if your out of shape, smoke, and eat like poo then it's a higher chance to get corona. I am curious to see whats the domino effect from shortages of vital drug supplies from all this. Interesting video for sure
  2. China built a hospital in a month? impressive!



    you mean like china? where they have 3rd world living conditions for most of the hard hit areas?


    you and your common sense isn't allowed. orange man bad

  3. turbomustangs has all sorts of info on meth injection. Used it many many years ago with nothing more than a cold start injector, hobbs switch, pump, and a container to hold the meth on an omni glhs. just have to watch to make sure you dont run out.
  4. clay I am sorry that your friend is going through this. Unfortunately getting rid of OnStar isn't going to fix her being tracked, not trusted, or a broken relationship when it reaches that point. Unfortunately I have had to help agents on my former teams in similar situations and every time it ended in a bitter divorce. I wish your friend the best and hope they stay safe.
  5. Foxbody. Plenty of swap kits available that will make everything relatively straightforward compared to some weird geeto car.


    same swap kits are found for e34/e36s... the biggest challenge is finding a car that doesnt have the midwest rust.

  6. heres my take. do a mix of peg board within cabinets to help tools avoid dust and the rubbermaid adjustable storage shelves in other places. I went with in place wood shelves and I feel that im limited in what I can do with them. I did put drywall over osb for 2/3rds of the garage and i like being able to put hooks where ever I want too.
  7. Thanks a ton, guys. I'll talk to my son and see what all he needs. We do have a couple of HotWheels and I have a Cobra hat from Frank Kress. Will reach out to you guys soon.


    if you want to borrow my n/a dodge 8 valve head as a demo you welcome too. i use to have a glhs and got it off a retired chrysler engineer because it has bigger ports. no valves installed and never ran since the 80s

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