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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. trump is doing a bad job at spinning flawed statistics numbers. compare the percent per individual. at this point due to the lack of testing since it's a new virus, no one really knows anything concrete at this point. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time before transportation companies stop sending there drivers to various parts of the country essential or not.
  2. Not shocked by that update. The union at my company has already said things are bad in michigan. I would hate to see how many cases ca/ny end up with given they are a larger importing hub for the country
  3. got an official letter handed to me by our union for in case I get pulled over during a total shut down, it's proof I work for a company that will still be working. They are the belief more restrictions are on the way.
  4. No doubt we will all get through this, Chris. I truly do believe this. We're all doing what we can, and we should feel proud for it: We've donated to charities, done Lifecare Alliance "meals-on-wheels" deliveries 2x a day, provided supplies and assistance to neighbors in need. I haven't donated blood in years but I answered the call. This feels like the weeks/months after 9/11 all over again...in a good way, with how we're banding together and truly helping each other locally.


    I'm not talking about politicizing a catastrophe. It's Trump's lack of real leadership that's on display here: Passing the buck when people ask tough questions. Obfuscating when you don't know or cannot understand the truth. "Faking it 'til ya make it" is not a trait of a great President.


    I refuse to let Trump - the guy I voted for - phone his way through this when there's so much more he could do, do it now, and do it better than any other president. Bush had 9/11, Obama had the Great Recession...both handled core-shaking events well and re-instilled confidence in the American people. How do you think Trump's handling the situation, when every day means life and death? We should expect greatness out of the President of the United States of America. This guy doesn't have a clue.





    If I'm not going to a restaurant, it's because DeWine said not to, and I'm following his common-sense decisions because I believe he's doing what's right for Ohio. I'm not bitching over whether or not I'm bellying up to a bar. But when Trump tells me in a tweet to wash my hands, I wonder how tone-deaf the man realizes he is to all of this...I have a tough time taking his leadership seriously.


    Clay I get it man. Besides rallies, securing borders, and america first first he shouldn't be allowed to speak in public. Unfortunately for all of us were down to a brown box and another brown box thats more global. Obama and Bush both had there own pitfalls along with pluses. I will always say Obama is one of the best public speakers we may see in our times.

  5. Clay please quote actual scientific articles and not a journalist opinion. Who would have thought that people would use the impact of the cornoa on most the worlds economies to go after politicians for there own stance. Regardless if you believe it or not, both political parties will get through this tough time and be fine. Life will always have it's challenges and ability to blame others, it's up to us to move forward collectively.
  6. wife is in frontline medical patient admin and just got her hours cut in half with a 48 hour notice. Thats also with her doing check-in for corona testing. Needless to say she will leave her company once the economy recovers over this handling of communication.
  7. wife had a conference call today. the company she works for has received 1000k testing kits and will start drive through testing shortly. not saying the company name since it hasn't been released.
  8. I'm leaving tomorrow for New Orleans. Not sure if that's the right call but I read through the CDC travel guidelines and we "passed" all of their suggestions, so.... we'll see if anything is even open.


    can confirm places are open in new orleans. parents are heading down there this weekend and family is down there.

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