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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. best bet would be to head over to forum.turboford.org. If you really want to get nutty, put a volvo 16 valve head on the 2.3 block with boost.
  2. No biggie. It will be snowing for a few days at most and then be completely gone 3 days later.
  3. dump imstock for hal, gabe, and bluemach.
  4. he was there, but too fast for cameras to catch. Silly mortals.
  5. possibly stupid question....add turbo to shadow?
  6. http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p298/agentgrimm03/7C4B293B-BD4A-4605-8522-48B385677A8C-3985-0000050546A45974.jpg
  7. lol. I liked the 1000hp white c6 getting stretched by the 900hp supra.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. There was a long delay from when the straps broke till when the operator noticed his coworker telling him to stop. It could have been bad.
  9. just two dyno straps letting loose with a room full of people
  10. If this is the car that use to be parked at the Gahanna police parking lot, I can attest as to how clean he kept it daily. I use to park in the same lot 2-4 times a week during the summer when I would go to the tennis courts. GLWS.
  11. do it in the butt. I have a feeling your trying to avoid doctor cost, but something along those lines doesn't happen normally. I would just take her to a doctor.
  12. wait no videos of imstock2 or Dwiggs?
  13. Audi R8 losing to camaro and stock Shelby. Pretty sure it's in Texas
  14. 10phone2


    lol. I had no idea what to put. My computer did shit itself like looking at dirty pics online in 1999
  15. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7urnpkxqp1rbwil5o1_1280.jpg
  16. 10phone2


    should add a 56k warning for the build page. From what I could see before my computre shit itself trying to load a 1000 pictures, definitely a cool build.
  17. If I want a starry night then I would buy a convertible.
  18. wonder how many pills and killos were sold to set up that race.
  19. the investigation van imstock2's insurance company used to follow him year round due to multiple cases of insurance fraud
  20. +1 Plus the extra protein/supplements can deposit in your blood steam/arteries and create future problems
  21. so at the beginning of the 2nd movie you predicted a drug dealing monkey.......
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