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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. believe it or not, youtube the area in algebra you are struggling with. There are always teachers making videos on there about tons of math stuff.
  2. and another 2,000 people died from cigarette/alcohol related illness and the media doesn't blink an eye
  3. I'm sure you will get it back together way better than before. We're pretty much on the same boat. After taking two weeks off and coming back to the car, I decided the work I had done wasn't worth a shit and should go in the trash. There is a big difference between getting close and having it done right. So the plans are 8.8 rear end, rebuild the 2jz, and send the rear off to get welded correctly.
  4. 10phone2


    2 minute rule won't be broken.
  5. 10phone2


    so he can post pictures, can he now embed a youtube video?
  6. even if he does have to, outside of work he has around 80-92 hours of time outside of sleep/work weekly to invest his time into getting ready for trade school/community college.
  7. not sure which has a higher number. The number of people almost dying in the video or how many times imstock's vette has broken down in the last six months?
  8. or look for 3rd shift full-time work.
  9. may as well forget a 2nd car because that will be more maintenance, insurance, fuel, etc. Get your current car in solid running condition and save the rest because you will need it. May want to consider the military
  10. I'm normally not a fan of drifting videos, but this nutjob gets it done on busy streets. I don't condone this on the streets, but definitely a few but pucker moments http://www.dpccars.com/car-videos-13/01-17-13page-E34-BMW-M5-extreme-drift-in-the-streets.htm
  11. I hope everything gets better with him.
  12. 10phone2


    no it's not that. You can't keep your car running more than 2 minutes so therefore it's impossible to steal and drive off without having a tow truck. I think your name should be Jake.
  13. 10phone2


    I'm trying to give you some cred.
  14. 10phone2


    imstock On a more serious note. I have to give you alot of credit for keeping the 2 minute anti-car theft approach with you car. Very smart and will definitely will stop it from ever being stolen. Kudos to you for being ahead of the game.
  15. what permits were required for the pole barn?
  16. 10phone2


    you do know that youtube videos can be embedded?
  17. 10phone2


    brian you are the fucking man for posting that pic. dear god
  18. considering what the arabs do with toyota's 4.5 inline 6 there, I'm shocked that engine hasn't caught on in the states more.
  19. More reason as to why I avoid New York City. They also allow police to randomly stop people without being under suspicion of committing a crime. Good luck being black in a white neighborhood at night.
  20. 10phone2


    it may not seem like much, but lets say one officer for every school for an 8 hour shift for 150 days is 1200 man hours per year per school. There are approximately 118 public schools in Columbus alone. Now were are at 141,600 additional man hours just for being at the school. That does not include the time before/after, expenses going to and from, and insurance cost for more staff. May not seem like much upfront, but our country is in enough debt as is. Arming teaching is a quick/easy solution while the social issues are address.
  21. 10phone2


    so would everyone fork up and pay considerably higher city taxes to pay for the rapid expansion of the police force for patrolling schools?
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