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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. man great numbers considering you have a leak. How much boost were you running?
  2. I'm not a computer expert, but it's pretty wild that if even a fraction of it can be done
  3. and this is why going to the cressida forums before the death threats shut it down was painful
  4. doesn't matter where the funds are from. Use the return to take care of daily necessities so your more stable or even use some of it to pay off student loans if your wife is using those. Blowing it on a trip you can't afford will have you right back making the same I have no money post a year from now.
  5. there is a used tire place over by the airport. While your getting your tires changed you can swing by and catch the high end girls of the centerfold club.
  6. thats why I never bought a bike when I was younger. I knew for a fact I would be even more dumb shit then what I was already doing in a car and kill myself. For me at that time, not speeding in a bike is like going to a titty bar and not looking at tits n ass.
  7. Gets going at 3:51. Good driver view at 5:00
  8. well this took a turn for the better.
  9. lol. Guessing it went to the next pic in my album.
  10. So I was reading an article on the main page at dispatch.com and I noticed Phil may have made an appearance in his red sweater at a protest in Columbus. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2013/07/15/protesters-downtown-decry-zimmerman-acquittal.html http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/Lexus%20parts/trayvon-rally_2_zps4393fef9.jpg' alt='trayvon-rally_2_zps4393fef9.jpg'>
  11. I hope cooler heads prevail in Florida and it doesn't hit the fan.
  12. The river in Gahanna covered more of the golf coarse then what I have ever seen in 4 years here. On a side note, forecast looks like it will be 97 on Thursday. I can't wait.
  13. if someone has a discover card, they can go through shopdiscover and get 20% cash back for groupon
  14. I could see that. I couldn't imagine driving behind mom and pop in the rain/snow on a dirt road like that. I'm envious of you to have driven the road before it was paved all the way.
  15. not necessarily. More people doing there thing can cause an increase of demand and plenty of newbies to pay sky high prices.
  16. great driving, it's a shame that the road is paved now.
  17. god dam. I haven't seen a video of a wheel stand like that on the street since Big Dre in New york years back.
  18. is Cars and Coffee still going on by OSU this month? I haven't seen any post or photos lately.
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