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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. Well, just a couple days left until my 100 Mile ride. THANK YOU to everyone who helped me reach and surpass my goal for this event, it is all going to a wonderful cause that almost everyone one of us has been affected by in one way or another. I did my final training ride last night, along with a HARD one last week that really kicked my ass. There is still time to donate for this ride, if you haven’t already. I will try and get as many pictures as I can before, during, and after the ride. I had my gear delivered to me last week, so I after last night’s final ride and my jersey here, I think I am officially ready for my ride. Stay tuned over the weekend for more updates…….. Last week and last night’s ride: Jersey:
  2. Well, just a couple days left until my 100 Mile ride. THANK YOU to everyone who helped me reach and surpass my goal for this event, it is all going to a wonderful cause that almost everyone one of us has been affected by in one way or another. I did my final training ride last night, along with a HARD one last week that really kicked my ass. There is still time to donate for this ride, if you haven’t already. I will try and get as many pictures as I can before, during, and after the ride. I had my gear delivered to me last week, so I after last night’s final ride and my jersey here, I think I am officially ready for my ride. Stay tuned over the weekend for more updates…….. Last week and last night’s ride: Jersey:
  3. hmmmm, double posting for me too.....mods?
  4. Here is a link to our local schedule, and to the national page. Local --> http://www.ovr-scca.org/_autocross/autocrosshome.asp National --> http://www.scca.com/solo/
  5. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it..... Ah, got ya....Alex is great guy..... I'm happy with 600's.....I'd rather lose on track, than risk it and lose at the tree before I even have a chance.....
  6. Thanks, Kyle....can't make it to Wilmington, but I already had someone contact me and ask if I want to drive their E36 in STX at nationals....we'll see..... Yea, that sucks about their car Thanks!! :fuckyeah:
  7. You must be talking about Alex Jones Yeah, he does Pro Solo and Regular Solo. Here he is waiting to get his runs in this past weekend at the Pro...with the caption: 'Cut the roof, they said. It'll be fun, they said.'
  8. Take two parts autocross and one part drag racing, mix thoroughly and you get the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Series. Drivers face off, side-by-side at a “Christmas Tree” start, before launching themselves down a straightaway and into mirror image autocross courses. Three rounds of class competition gives drivers 12 total runs, 6 on each course. Not only do these runs determine the class winners, it sets the overall qualifying order for the second part of the event which determines the overall winner. The top qualifiers enter into single elimination brackets and run off until only one remains; the Top Eliminator. So, you basically have 6 chances on each side to get your fastest run. This is the final runs on Sunday (which are always the fastest) and this is from beginning to end. This was my 2nd National Event ever with a DEEP class of 21 drivers in my class (STX). I was able to pull out a 3rd Place trophy spot with some of the most Nationally Competitive Drivers in this country for this class, including at least 3 National Champions. To put this into perspective, some guys try for years just to get a trophy spot and I did it in a borrowed car at my 2nd 'National' event ever. Enjoy the action!!
  9. Nice cars, and fun to drive. Not to mention we make ALOT of parts to help modify that car We actually turned a Non-M Z4 into a track car and it MOVES around the track. I don't think you would be disappointed with it. Have you test driven one? I'll ping Kyle too, and have him chime in....... Here is ours on track: http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/541168_472015312820581_474913824_n_zps0e332e83.jpg?t=1374767360 http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/246417_472014746153971_1144232725_n_zps8f969406.jpg?t=1374767356 http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/Z4MidOhioTest_zps6eedb52f.jpg?t=1374767356
  10. I thought Poppel works in service......?
  11. For a guy that sells cars, I would be putting that in my 'occupation' on your profile......that would go for anyone in sales....just my .02
  12. Ah, didn't know it was your vid....I grew up on that track and love it!
  13. That's Exiting Turn 5 and entering Turn 6 at Road America.....that is all....
  14. Attic space? Can you 'bug bomb' the space you think they are living? http://www.raidkillsbugs.com/fogger/
  15. http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/autopia/2011/11/Subaru-BRZ-Concept-STi.jpg
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