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Everything posted by 2011SVT

  1. Oh that doesn't kick so hard. Can I get one in semi auto? :fuckyeah:
  2. NRA - Done NRA ILA - Done SAF - Done GOA - Already a member Sent them more cash after watching Larry mop the floor with that sniveling window-peeper Piers Morgan. BFA - Done Letters - Written in past plus emails but more are needed. Great post by the way. Thank you :megusta:
  3. Comment on their Facebook page: "change your name from dicks to vaginas"
  4. I agree. A new federal program is not the answer as it becomes someone's cash cow 2 seconds after the ink is dry with zero accountability for results. Local control is always better in something like this and gives parents the choice of what kind of programs they want implemented and are willing to pay for. An important part of that is an assessment of risk. I have seen a number of thoughtful arguments raised that events in Connecticut while horrific and sensational are statistically really rare and if we wanted to do more to significantly reduce childhood deaths, we'd look at better ways to child proof our swimming pools. Last point: If you own firearms, please secure them. My grandfather had loaded firearms all over his house and never had either an accident or an assault committed with any of those guns. However, I accept that we live in a different age/time/culture and I am morally responsible for possible misuse of dangerous tools I fail to 'keep out of reach' of the incompetent and/or evil. My security is pretty tight but I am going to tighten it even further. Waiting for those clueless fucks in Washington to do anything meaningful is a fool's errand. Most of the time it's better to pray they just argue themselves into a corner like usual.
  5. Thanks. Looks like the pro-self defense side is well represented.
  6. "Technical difficulties due to weather"
  7. Chances are going up every day as we continue down the road to an entitlement driven and therefore handout dependent society. Heard an interesting debate today on the POTUS channel on XM. Two law professors were duking it out on the 2nd amendment (no surprise). What was surprising is that one professor took the position that unless something in the Constitution was *completely* unambiguous (e.g. you have to be 35 years old to be President) then the judiciary had no business deciding anything and should leave it to "the democratic process" to interpret. Not just the 2A - everything. Are you f*cking kidding me?
  8. Canon Rebel EOS T3i as compared to the Nikons?
  9. Beautiful! That's what I always say too.....:gabe:
  10. Have a Mini-14. Fun to shoot but it's a plinking rifle in my opinion. Performance leaves much to be desired. If you are looking for M1 or even M-14 type accuracy based on the action, prepare for disappointment. Under "Zombie 1 Alert" conditions would leave the house with the AK or Galil.
  11. I got that book too. Feel comfortable with the bench and shoulder presses and am working my way up (got to a 'body weight' bench a few weeks ago :fuckyeah:). Squats and deadlifts not so much. I need to get into a gym with someone who know wtf they are doing. I know I can lift a lot more than I am but I fear my form could be so bad that I really risk an injury by doing so. Some of Rippetoe's stuff is a little over the top for me (e.g. real men don't wear gloves, GOMAD, etc.). If I wanted to deadlift 500+ and have a physique like a bowling ball, yes. Working towards more of a running back or baseball player build, no. That said, I think there is huge benefit in becoming expert at those five basic exercises and using them as the core of a strength program.
  12. Have a second set of valve covers I am planning to match to the body color (black). Should I have them painted or powder coated and why? Second question: The covers came with a 'wrinkle' powder coating from Ford. In order to achieve a smooth surface, do I need to have that media blasted off, sanded, dipped/hot tanked and scraped, something else? Thanks!
  13. Uhhh, the 'emergency' income tax increase Coleman passed two years ago? P.S. Stay tuned for more free stuff. It's a great thing to spend other people's money.
  14. Wanted to say how much I appreciate learning about the existence of Paleo/Primal from this board. I've been on it fairly strictly for a little over 8 weeks. I've lost over 40 lbs (a little less than 20 to go). Not a big cross fit fan but I did go back to basic free weights (dumbbell 4 on/1 off mix). I am back up to curling/pressing/rowing the 60s (which was a good as I ever did when I was in shape 20 years ago). This shit works and it feels pretty sustainable over the long term. I just picked up Rippetoe's book, Starting Strength which emphasizes a power lifting approach to strength training focusing on squats, deadlifts, clean/press, etc. Although I won't be following his program to the letter (especially the "GOMAD" diet, the "if you use gloves you're a pussy", ...) Anyway, funny how small things can lead to something bigger/better. Thanks again you guys.
  15. Excellent. Will do. You guys are also welcome to come take pictures of your own for your business if you like. Let me know because I promised Jim I'd put beer in the fridge for him (only pop, mixers, chardonnay and, of course, vodka in the freezer right now).
  16. Thanks guys and no problem. I'll start a new thread (or maybe there's a garage thread already open?)
  17. Brady has been doing some interesting things with ecoboost tunes. You might give them a call if you wanted.
  18. Un*freakin*known and vice-versa. Lot to see and do this coming up weekend that's for certain.
  19. WTF. I didn't know you were *that* AJ Floor is great BTW. You can see we fixed up a bit subsequent as well. More to do before I can truly move out there and escape my family entirely. Thanks again Andy. Car looks fantastic. As soon as my house guest go home I want to go out and get more pictures. :megusta:
  20. Andy doing his awesomeness.... https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8sGsE8SlYOE/T_B2FRfeXmI/AAAAAAAAAAg/hu4g3uGfQnA/w805-h604-k/IMG_0477.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-YoqbCAU7y5I/T_B2KHLli-I/AAAAAAAAAA4/xEyhqOM-Tfc/s1032/IMG_0480.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-cwd9LhUwIDo/T_B2IXv0s1I/AAAAAAAAAAw/LiAFYj7IrVY/s1032/IMG_0479.JPG https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-ERaGqVhHnTA/T_B2MnIjKWI/AAAAAAAAABA/UtNEcU_LBV8/s1032/IMG_0481.JPG Asked if we could see the fun bags (ala Covert Dynamics) to spice up the photo shoot but no dice. Sorry.
  21. I definitely saw that and that's where we disagree. It does matter how the administration defended it. (Otherwise why bother to hear arguments?) Roberts engaged in legal sophistry to re-invent the penalty as a tax. That is explained in the dissent: “And the nail in the coffin is that the mandate and penalty are located in Title I of the Act, its operative core, rather than where a tax would be found—in Title IX, containing the Act’s “Revenue Provisions.” In sum, “the terms of [the] act rende[r] it unavoidable,” Parsons v. Bedford, 3 Pet. 433, 448 (1830), that Congress imposed a regulatory penalty, not a tax. For all these reasons, to say that the Individual Mandate merely imposes a tax is not to interpret the statute but to rewrite it. Judicial tax-writing is particularly troubling. Taxes have never been popular, see, e.g., Stamp Act of 1765, and in part for that reason, the Constitution requires tax increases to originate in the House of Representatives.” Regardless, the fallout from this decision will be interesting. I'm sure the pollsters are busy doing the recalculations. Did this help or hurt Obama and the democrats?
  22. I would take exception with Robert's position. I do agree that it is within the powers of Congress to lay and collect taxes. No problem. If they had written the individual mandate to be a credit that you get when you have/buy insurance and you don't when you don't - still constitutional. Congress and the President *not* structuring it that way and specifically arguing that it's not a tax and is, instead, a usage of their power under the Commerce Clause and then Roberts waving his magic wand and converting it into a tax is what I take *great* exception with. Talk about your fucking judicial activism. Roberts and the majority did not rule, they re-interpreted (specifically against the language and intent of the legislature). The individual mandate should have gone down 5-4 (the four being the douche bags that believe the Commerce Clause trumps everything and there is nothing that the federal government cannot force you to do) and returned to Congress with a sticky note that said, "Make this part a tax and you're fine."
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