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The Other Nick

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Posts posted by The Other Nick

  1. You don't need to go to TX to get your ass handed to you. Let me know when you get the car running again and I will be more than happy to put bus lengths on you.


    true true. i honestly bet the motor he is putting in will blow by lets say july. anyone else want to take bets.

  2. Mark has a Race car.. This lmr vette has full interior,passenger seat, stero, Ac and all the accesories. And it's not set up for the 1/4.. More for standing mile. Comparing a IPS race car vs a street king car is redicolus


    Im pretty sure if mark was to put all of the above ^ back on he could still be faster. Just sayin.

  3. You're an idiot.


    Here is a diagram of the net taker states. Those whose tax revenue was less than their federal subsidies:



    Here is an electoral college distribution; conveniently red here also represents republican votes:



    See any correlation?



    Further, the notion that testing welfare receipients is some panacea curing "75%" of the problem is a joke. Here's what my neighbor state Florida found: It cost far more money than it saved


    I agree that welfare needs to be reformed but let's start with the biggest piece of the pie.

    Except he is not. Obama was elected by the people who didnt want their meal ticket taken from them. Look at the obama phone videos these are the leeches that are draining our society and voted him back in. As far as the electoral college its another way for the government to monopoly its people. Its supposed to be put into place for what reason, to make states with smaller populations have a fair chance. To me this is wrong we should vote once and majority rules nothing more to aid in who gets elected.

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