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Green Bastard

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Everything posted by Green Bastard

  1. We go to Leeds every year, the kids love it. It is a bit of a drive though, its out in ostrander. Here is the website. http://www.leedsfarm.com/
  2. 400 a month for 72 months? Somebody is fucking you somewhere lol.
  3. What would be the term on the loan and the interest rate?
  4. Is the offer still going to be good in 6 months though?
  5. I don't understand why you are trolling craigslist now trying to window shop cars that won't be available six months from now when you get your tax return. I like the idea of talking to Jordan to see what he can do for you. He should have plenty of time to track down a good reliable car in your price range.
  6. The motor that's in it is shot.
  7. Ray is a good dude and does really good work. 614-390-8585.
  8. Probably a much better choice. I don't know much about them but Toyota's are usually pretty reliable. I'm sure Rocky can give you better info on them, I believe he used to work for Toyota.
  9. He got the whole dropout (engine, trans, ecm, wiring harness that is half cut lol) so the gtp trans I believe is going in since they are stronger units. Good info on the axles though, we weren't sure if they were the same or not.
  10. Also, why are the miles so low? When was it in an accident and how much damage would have to been done to total it out?
  11. I wouldn't lease, you could end up owing money at the end of the lease if you go over the miles. With buying you take the big depreciation hit, but you will have the warranty. On second thought, don't buy anything dodge in your price range or, as stated before, anything with a turbo in your price range. Buy something reliable (or as I said, keep what you have) and if you wish to have a toy then buy something cheap that you can build to your liking. I know I will probably get some hate for this, but a dsm would probably be a good toy for you. They are cheap and they can be quick.
  12. When does your lady graduate? Just remember, good things come to those who wait. I would save the money for other things and drive the Lincoln until the wheels fall off. When her loans are paid off and you guys are in a better financial position, then get a toy. Also, in your position, reliable>sporty if you must be a tax time baller.
  13. I hear he drinks his coffee black now.
  14. That has been years ago. Both have gotten on their feet and went seperate ways.
  15. Something I have done in the past is just get a cheap universal antenna from wally world or something and plug it into the radio and hide the antenna under the console (as long as there is room, I did it to an explorer). Reception was good and I didn't have to worry about trying to run the wire to mount it on the outside of the truck (or in your case drilling the hole for the antenna).
  16. This. Bought an engine delivered to work (loading docks) for less than 400 iirc.
  17. What if we made him shove a pickle up his ass and walk 10ft, and every time he drops the pickle then he has to take a bite and re-insert it, every time, until he reaches the finish line?
  18. I like this idea. We need a like button on here.
  19. I agree with Joe, but shit, him and Tim could have a contest for longest post/response.
  20. No, while my brother was a troll on here and pissed quite a few people off, I have made a few mistakes of my own (posting in the phil call out thread comes to mind). However, things have changed a lot since then.
  21. You think it is bad here now? You should have been here when I joined. This place is a much valmer place the past couple years.
  22. http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w392/uummm1/Mobile%20Uploads/Cat-memes-selfie-yolo-swag_zpskrteflik.jpeg http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w392/uummm1/Mobile%20Uploads/Cat-meme_004_zpsrjvbi76u.jpeg http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w392/uummm1/Mobile%20Uploads/Cat-meme_002_zpse99gyukj.jpeg
  23. I know I am going to sound like a noob, but what does HPDE stand for? I have seen it used a few times, just never decided to ask.
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