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Everything posted by EssFo

  1. That was more of a general statement. Most LR's never see off road use. And no, I do not want to look at your undercarriage. :dumb:
  2. All that technology on a vehicle that will never see off road. Crossing a 6 inch stream doesn't count.
  3. I would have broken down on the way there. :fuuuu:
  4. Wish I would have had them when I was off-roading my 06. :dumb: http://i991.photobucket.com/albums/af40/ted_kennedy/jeep1.gif
  5. There you go talking about my cocknballz again Juicey. I blush.
  6. I must not be THAT much of a fatty. I fit in Evil's Z06 just fine. Had to fall out of it, but I got in no problem.
  7. That's explains why I've owned 10 of them. :dumb:
  8. I've heard trucks are good for fat people.
  9. Juicey getting his flat bill all bent up? BTW Aaron did you ever own a black SC MKIII VR6?
  10. If the kid that got shot were white you wouldn't hear about it. Unless they are standing in front of a movie theater.
  11. Have you sat in one? This is what I feel like when I get in and I'm only 6'1. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/RoITVuh0rjw/0.jpg Otherwise I would have had an LSx Rx-7 a long time ago.
  12. My Subaru cost $600 to cover. That went all the way to the scoop. I had a quote done for the truck. $900. I has big front. :dumb:
  13. No but Bruce and Alfred run a train on Catwoman. :fuckyeah:
  14. Loved it. A little drawn out but Bain's character was excellent. You get to see what might be a spin-off movie at the end.
  15. Seeing it in the morning. Can't wait!
  16. Lotus :dumb: I'm the Exchange admin for my company. It's hard enough to move from one version of Exchange to another. I can only imagine doing it from Notes to Exchange with that many people.
  17. We use SSL, but only as an absolute last resort. Mensan, you're at world wide company that doesn't have an account self service option?
  18. Sounds like your company needs to setup your Citrix environment correctly. Who uses VPN anymore?
  19. EssFo

    Cr y u no race???

    Want me to throw the hitch on the 10?
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