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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Saying air shift is for sissy's is like saying boost by gear is for faggots.
  2. It's possible. I like bench racing, I can talk about cars all day and have no she in admitting I'm a bench racer at some points. He very well could, but I'm also certain that the gentleman who owns the vette mentioned had a very well paying job, whereas the other has no issue in admitting he likes living off the government and dedicates a large portion of his income towards it. I think the Obama Vette will be quick, when it runs
  3. Invest in my education. Use the remainder as a start up on either my own firm or keep a few bucks to play poker with and throw the rest into the market.
  4. I'm sure it will hold together for a little while honestly. But either of the following will happen. A. Gets wrecked again B. Hefty ticket, be it drag racing, speeding, attempting to elude an officer (or something similar), or all three combined, resulting in a suspended license. C. Random issues relating to assembly procedures used to install parts. D. Excuses of "Don't have enough time to come out" and the like happen on a frequent basis. E. Stays together for a surprising amount of time, blames the tuner again since it was "the easy way of doing it, rather than arguing" when he starts getting beat, or running noticeably slower times than he claimed. F. All the above.
  5. http://i.imgur.com/Q8uahHB.jpg
  6. I'm 99% sure you've mentioned it on here before. "since im gun go al out mite as wale hit it wit some sprai."
  7. Someone better keep a fire extinguisher handy for when it pops and burns......on second thought....no.
  8. Lol. I'm waiting on a class, so I have nothing else to do. Guess you caught me.:gabe: Damn, guess my lucky stretch of hiding it has ran out.
  9. :lolguy: No feathers have been ruffled, it takes a lot more than that to ruffle me up. I'd be willing to bet you have wasted 5 minutes on this thread now as well. I have attempted it, and have been successful. BTW "a little high" wasn't referencing drug usage.
  10. It took me no more than 5 minutes. And that's being a little on the high side of estimates lol.
  11. I figured I'd leave this here. http://i.imgur.com/pXJ2Gr6.png
  12. Do you have any recommendations of gyms near campus? Moving down in a few months and need to get into a good one.
  13. I switch doors, because I could give a fuck less about winning a goat.
  14. This thread needs moar buster. Btw imstock. I'd prefer not to see you talk shit about him. At least he admits to not knowing shit. You act like you know it all. But to you, assembling a lower end is "basic wrenching" so maybe you do?
  15. I always wanted to boost my V6 firebird. Kudos for doing it to what you want. Actually really excited to see the final project! Good luck!
  16. Both of those examples of a paradox went 50 feet above imstocks head.
  17. Your "phaggit" ass is the one who brought physical shape into this!!! :lolguy:
  18. :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:
  19. 6'6" 265. And that's after taking a hefty shit in the morning after eating a full meal the night before. Not sure if you know what a full meal is or not. And yeah, I do. Not like a small potato like yourself would be able to know what it means to lift.
  20. This. I remember about 2 years back forcing myself to eat 7,000 a day. Shit sucked, paid off, but sucked.
  21. So what you are saying is you lied about your "disability" and you actually can do things? That's interesting, I thought you couldn't run, squat, etc. But then again you sure did one hell of a job running away from a nunchuck wielding ninja to leave you wife behind.
  22. Inb4 imstock shows up to a meet, trembles like a little bitch, and doesn't even talk half as much shit. From the looks of it you're a pretty small dude. Get around some guys that actually use money to eat instead of car parts you may just shake so much you lose bladder control.
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