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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. So then the contrary should be true. 5:35 on "I'm not joking, as something to live with every day, I would rather have bird flu." YEW DUN FUKD UP
  2. Depends on the design really. For a shirt I really like and want that seems to actually be worth a damn as far as quality goes, $25-$35 tops.
  3. woooo woooooo you kno wuuuuuuuuuuuuut wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
  4. All the shit you say in here is a lie. Otherwise you would be able to keep your shit straight and not have to back pedal every fucking post. This doesn't even require a long post to explain dude. I'm not even trying to troll you. This is dead serious, everyone caught onto your BS long ago. EDIT: In short, you are milking the system, bragging about it, and then wonder why people think you are an arrogant fuck. Quit doing that sort of shit and people might actually not mind you.
  5. Before you said something about a lot of boost leaks, and now you only had 1? Can you stop altering your story and lying as well to make things look more advantageous to yourself? Before: "it wuz low on powre bcuz I had lyk 4 b00st leakz and juz put it todeter" Now: "only 1 b00st leek br0. mad fab skillz"
  6. Shieeeet. That should be no problem for you! I'll PM you shortly!
  7. Inflated all 4 tires to 30psi. ASE Master Technician: Unlocked.
  8. Anyone who has seen my car knows it isn't anywhere near that shit. I didn't embed it since it's a huge picture. http://i.imgur.com/YmVdBZL.jpg Taken from UPP's site.. · 2x T04B Turbos (capable of 550+ hp EACH) · 2x UP-Pipes · 2x Down-Pipes · Intercooler Plumbing · Front-mount Intercooler · 3-Ply Silicone Couplers · T-Bolt Clamps · Stainless Steel Oil Feed Lines · Stainless Steel Oil Return Lines · All Necessary Hardware and Fittings · Turbo Werx Oil Return Pump · Battery Relocation Kit · Battery Compartment Cover · Intercooler Shielding Cover · 8x Injectors (YOUR CHOICE IN SIZE! *) · Blow Off Valve · Autometer Boost Gauge · Gauge Pillar Mount This to me sounds like a bolt up kit. And really if you break each item down cost wise, it's not too impressive. Half of the kit's cost likely comes from the extra covers and "accessories" for lack of better word. Nothing in this requires you to step back and think "Exactly how am I going to _________. What is the best way to do this for both cost effectiveness and functionality while still maintaining a good appearance?" Really IMO it doesn't take any in depth planning, and claiming it took fab-work is about as far from the truth as possible. They ship you pre-cut and bent pieces, that have pre-fabbed mounts. I'll even go out on a limb and say they likely included some form of instructions, whether it be E-mail form or a hard copy for installation. You aren't the first to put this kit in I can bet. I'm sure someone out there has a write-up or advice as far as where to place something if instructions somehow weren't included. The only thing close to fab-work you possibly had to do was pre-drilling a hole for a screw or bolt to go into. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_fabrication "Metal fabrication is the building of metal structures by cutting, bending, and assembling processes."
  9. I did some fab to in that case last night, I trimmed my inner fender wells so they fit properly and quit rubbing when I was turning into a parking spot.
  10. I've posted 3 videos in this thread. And to be frank, those have been the only videos to my best recollection that I have posted. If my memory proves correct a solid 35%-45% of your posts include some link to a website with a video. I find it hilarious that you step into a forum with educated members, who are actually productive to society and actively participating in the discussions taking place. Only to then say you give no fucks when people rag on you for posting this white trash story filled with bad grammar and spelling that is coupled with you bragging about getting X amount of dollars back on a tax return. If it wasn't for the military somehow accepting you, you wouldn't even have half of the stuff you have now, and that's being very generous. You are the guy who finds every last way to squeeze every last penny out of the government assistance and the posts you have made in this forum as a whole completely prove it. The best part about it to me is that you are the exact person that a majority of people (from what I can tell) on this site cannot stand because we bust our ass, get tax increase's to only have some shithead get extra money at the end of the month to only spend it on some the the dumbest shit. For example, a salvage title C6 Corvette with a budget bolt on turbo kit.
  11. You obviously have no better goals to set in life other than setting hopes for views in a forum thread. I'm sure this was partially along the lines of the likely fraudulent insurance claim on your C6 as well.
  12. Bump. Lost PM's/numbers of those interested.
  13. Meanwhile, at imstock's future site..
  14. You said a 180lb passenger. In my opinion that's extremely light. Your and his weight together likely is close to 100lbs above mine. Civil Engineering and Construction Management. In all fairness and seriousness, you may want to switch majors. Construction is boatloads of math (which just can't be fucked up then backpedaled).
  15. Its a little too late for you bud. I hope you realize backpedaling isn't a rewind button. Simply stated you are an idiot, who can't do basic math. Wait, was it because your phone only had 2 bars and auto correct wasn't working right? Is that why? And secondly, since you obviously have no idea about math or the general idea of math, let alone advanced math, the faster you go the harder and harder it is to actually gain speed. Factors like wind resistance (yes, we know that their "wasn't any wind that day" but when you travel at any speed, the vehicle is cutting through the air. Also, you claiming the "passenger bruh" card consistently is hilarious. You are a tiny little dude, it's not like you are a tall dude that eats a full meal instead of saving every last penny on a "dream car." I really feel slightly depressed because here I am, making poop money after taking quite a few physics and chemistry classes and acing those, along with the other classes I've taken, and you have enough for these two mansions, an 8 second car, all these dirtbikes, a truck, and a Supra with a new motor in it. I mean damn, some days I can't even eat lunch! Oh wait...nevermind, that was just in a dream I had.. I'll just call you in a couple years when you have given up hope on having a budget buster C6 Vette running anything but 12's :lolguy:
  16. The interior of your garage is a lot larger than I would have assumed from the outside, especially being given the info on the rooms inside. If I was ever in a scenario where I was limited on space I would consider an almost identical design to this. Impressive you can fit what you can in there, and im definitely jealous of the heater as well :nod:
  17. Morton is the cat's ass. When I get out of school and build mine a loft is a must have. A good family friend had a nice setup, the loft he had he used for storage although he could have used it for anything really, had a bathroom in there as well (so you can have peace and quiet for the daily shit, I mean, who doesn't want that?), a small office area, and storage for two cars. He didn't wrench, but he had plenty of room for at least 2 lifts.
  18. So then what length of land are you covering in 1.87 seconds?
  19. Your math is FUCKED RICEBOY. 1/4 mile means it takes four to go into a mile. 4*4=16 you dumbshit. 1/8 mile means it takes eight to make a mile. 8*2=16 you dumbshit. And you think you can assemble a lower end :dumb: No wonder why this thing can't stay together, your dumbass can't do basic math :lolguy: Get a refund for school. Seriously. You can't do basic math, this is shit I learned in 5th grade.
  20. Imstock, I'm confused as to how the FUCK you think riding let alone racing a bike isn't impressive. For fucks sake, you proved you couldn't even handle a fucking dirtbike. :lolguy:
  21. What prompts you to think I would hang out with an uneducated person like yourself?
  22. This. Which is why the 7M gets the bad rap. Having that motor in a 3,800 pound car explains a lot. Having a JZ as an option to swap, most people will go with it instead of a 7M just to say they have a JZ motor. 7M's are rarely swapped, but they CAN make power when, like stated, are built correctly and someone knows what they are doing. This potato thinks it's bad because his has all sorts of issues that HE tried to fix. Hmmm, things add up a bit now....:dumb:
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