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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. DSM v. 1jz for a couple McChicken? :gabe:
  2. Wow, those look amazing...if I was in the LS game still I'd pick them up.GLWS!
  3. I know lol. Glad that everyone was ok, all jokes aside. Too many idiots on the roads now.
  4. Didn't happen to be maroon with black wheels and a ricey hood, did it? :gabe:
  5. 1992 Supra. Yep, and INB4 I'm an idiot lol
  6. My daily has a motor swap, full 3" exhaust, ecu piggyback, EBC, no cat, springs/shocks (coils soon), cams eventually along with a pretty large big single conversion. So I guess my answer is a definite yes.
  7. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Army+11B Also EL OH FUCKING EL at you saying "most the time when people say they've seen more shit, are usually the ones who haven't." That's what your "faggit" ass just did :lolguy:
  8. Hey FILL, how old are you again?
  9. He was a Fuel Delivery specialist. I've asked him before. When told it wasn't a combat MOS, his response was similar to "we went out to bases being made and were attacked."
  10. gib ya tree fiddy fo it
  11. He admitted himself he can't drive lol. I'll throw a few bucks out there. I don't have an airshift, he doesn't get the wiggle, and it's a 1/4 heads up event.
  12. Whatever he want's to run. From what I heard the dude can't drive worth a fuck. I'd rather not have someone who can't handle a stock C6 running me. But then again, I'm sure he will only want a ricroll, I'll only go from a dig, not a fuck would be given.
  13. HAHAH. I actually do have a girl. And I believe I covered all points you attempted to make against me, which did I miss? Timeslips don't lie, so maybe we will go that route. I guess living at home means your life is headed no where. Shiet, I'll tell anyone I know living at home, their life is F U C K E D.
  14. My jimmies remain unrustled. Not using it as a crutch, but I made sure my family was set and I'm not ashamed of it. There is a difference between being disillusional and straight up idiotic. According to your Philosophy on this (no pun intended), it seems like you are characterizing everyone on CR as talking down to him. Maybe if he wasn't digging himself into a hole it wouldn't seem like we are talking down to him. I've told him i'd run him on my bike at the track. I think you missed my point, if it wasn't for his arrogance on a dirtbike, he wouldn't be getting any money from the gov't unless he re-up'd in the Marines, or was active in the reserves. You made one valid point in your response, that I'm not living on my own. That's it.
  15. Think I already answered most of your questions.. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1663285#post1663285 Guess I'll elaborate though. Grew up north of Dayton. Played sports n chit. Was exceedingly good at quite a few. Numerous local, conference, district, regional, and state awards at the personal and state levels both for individual and team accomplishments. Had quite a few options for college athletics. Injured knee in football, ended up blowing it at the end of basketball season senior year, unable to run track. Not long after knee blew out, learned my dad had stage 4 lung cancer. As he become progressively worse over the course of 2-3 months I decided to stay close to home at WSU help out the fam. Hung out for a year. Dad passed away, got a job working full time to help mom pay the bills since she can't work or take care of a house with 10 acres alone or pay for it, let alone afford to pay someone to. Year later, money gets settled, she moves here, I come along with so she has help getting settled in. Now able to go to OSU like I originally planned on ending up, just a year later than scheduled with a few less credits.
  16. And in addition to my prior post, if it wasn't for the .gov assistance, and primarily being accepted into the Marines imstock would either be A.) At home still, with a Honda working at McDonald's B.) At an apartment with a bike, working at McDonald's
  17. So lets hear about you Phil. Since apparently you want to do this all over again. Apparently last time you didn't have the stones to disclose anything, so why don't you this time? Got something back there you aren't too proud of? What exactly is your "career" if you have one? http://i.imgur.com/YeZUtYc.jpg
  18. I'm not going into details of where my money goes for various reasons. One main one is that I'm not fucking dumb enough unlike yourself to disclose every last cent of my income online. I could have very easily moved out, or just stayed at my place in Dayton but didn't, you don't know the circumstances of why I am/was living at home, neither do you need to. If I had it my way I would still be in Dayton at my previous job. It was something out of our family's control, and unlike yourself, I was able to man up and get shit done that needed to be done. I'm sure if me and her went to the government looking for handouts, we would get a cute little check every month, but we have some traits that you apparently do not.
  19. Found this video of imstock in his C6, apparently trying to impress some 16 year olds.
  20. After he gets walked a few times, he will shut up. :dumb: Who the fuck am I joking, he will blame the tuner, say his EBC was broke, and that the clutch was slipping. Take note, almost all these excuses will be pulled out by this potato. http://i.imgur.com/pAQNXyt.jpg
  21. This really goes to show you don't know what in the fuck you are doing. You likely couldn't ride worth shit (see: dirtbike wreck) especially if you think air shot is there to keep the rider from making a mistake. I have neve miss-shifted on my bike at WOT. Shifting a bike is fucking simple as shit, so simple in fact that only a true potato like yourself could fail at it. If anything is for pussy's it's boost by gear. You fucking rag on the GTR for just having to "push a pedal." Well, isnt that what your car is turning into now? Something that you don't have to put any effort into supossedly?
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