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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Just buy a new one. They dont make commission and aren't going to sell you a new one unless it's actually bad. If they are anything like me they'll just see it as excess work they have to do and find it pointless to do, and would rather not deal with someone coming back crying saying we sold them a bad battery when their charging system is fucked. Do everyone a favor including yourself most importantly and double check all your wiring to eliminate that issue. Post pics up if need be so we can see what it looks like..
  2. Sounds to me like he's just being a lazy ass. You need to have him up it on the test and charge. It's literally a machine that charges it, if it accepts the charge to anything above 85% or so it will then test it, then you will know. If it is only taking a 44% charge the battery in my opinion is shot. Which one did you take it to?
  3. Well I'm not too sure what was suppossed to sound right, but to me it sounds like your battery has biten the dust. Find a friend with the same series battery and throw it in and see what happens. I'd just say to buy a new battery and save yourself the time.
  4. I'm hoping the death trap of a Beetle will make another appearance on Horizon..lol
  5. It was likely too low to test. Usually they require a minimum of 12-ish volts before it even lets it test.
  6. Take it to AutoZone and make sure the idiots test it as a Optima Redtop. There are options on the tester, both handheld and the charge and test station for that. If they don't it will always come back bad. I see Optima's come into my store all the time that are on 3-5 years old, which sucks for the customer because it only has a 2 year warranty on it, at least nowdays. I'll put my money on it being a bad battery. Optima's in my experience do some funky stuff before they go out completely.
  7. Or to save even more money I'd go 1.5JZ...If a broke college kid can scrounge the funds...lol
  8. I'll be there just after or at 9 as well!
  9. I'll show for a little while if you're opening up Doc!
  10. This was what went through my mind while looking at the forecast. The wind wouldn't be very helpful either.
  11. Hell, I might cruise to Sawmill by my lonesome just to see what all is out there. I've yet to make it out there. Although from what I've heard I'm not missing too much.
  12. No clue but if there is anything I wouldn't mind getting the hell out of my house.
  13. http://s1053.beta.photobucket.com/user/geeesammy/library/Koenig%20Villains Images
  14. My mom just bought a '12 Cruze. 1.4 Ecotec I believe. It actually can get out of it's own way more than I expected. 2LT model, and it's awesome. I'd buy it if I was in the market for a non-performace oriented car honestly. Heated leather, power seats, electric steering....BUT maybe on second thought it just seems like a luxury car to me because I'm used to F-Body interiors and old school broken down interiors as well..
  15. Price drop and bump, $300 OBO, I NEED them gone, shoot me an offer, I'm open to anything. I really want/need them gone, I have to get a car into the garage for storage... Pics going up within the next 24 hours.
  16. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/Anchorman-well-that-escalated-quickly.jpg
  17. I'm not going to argue though. Another war means more debt which we don't need. I believe if it becomes a full fledged war and Israel is getting their ass kicked, step in, until that happens or they ASK for our help, we sit back. Our wars have been dragging on long enough. I'm sick of seeing our national debt skyrocket knowing I won't ever see that number hit 0 in my lifetime, or maybe even my kids lifetime. I also don't like the idea of China owning us...
  18. If they are cracking down on street racing even then they need to crack down on texting and driving a lot more as well IMO. Sitting at a stop light and sending one is one thing, but going 75-80 MPH down the freeway in thick traffic, and then coming up on stopped traffic out of nowhere (which seems to be everywhere) is a good way to get people hurt or killed. I'm sure there are more accidents related to texting and driving than street racing. I'm unaware of the current penalty for texting while driving, but I'm gonna assume it doesn't involve a suspension, and likely isn't anything more than 2 points.
  19. He can hang with the most godly of lurkers and trolls..:lolguy:
  20. But you have barely been around over two decades? :dumb: Not like I'm any better :fuuuu:
  21. That is the one thing I can agree with you on lol. But we will likely both agree the consequences are severe enough for some to stop doing it. Unfortunately for some it's not.
  22. In my opinion they are strict enough as is. What do you feel isn't very strict about them? Not trying to be a dick about it, but I'd like to think 6 points, a no privilege suspension and high risk insurance is enough deterrent. For me it was enough to keep me form ever getting anything close to being in that situation, not trying to brag, but I'd like to think I'm able to make a bit wiser decisions than my counterparts. When I explained my side of the story to my lawyer, and he told me the code word for word, and then told me the potential consequences, I nearly shit myself, and I'm not being sarcastic. If anything I think she should go after the police equally for not patrolling the streets well enough to stop them. Just like when a LEO told me after I had to file a report for slashed tires in a not so nice area of town in Dayton. "Well if you didn't want anything to happen to your stuff, then why were you down here?" It was still partially my fault, but I believe it's even more of a fault and shame on the officers for knowing they have an issue, but still don't seem to care. I would have more respect for her if she pushed better enforcement of it, rather than stiffer consequences. They somewhat did the same thing with DUI/OVI If I understand correctly.
  23. Yes, you are correct, it is. From my understanding as far as severity goes, street racing is pretty much #2 behind drunk driving. The thing is, at least in my opinion, it's far more impressive for a cop to say "oh I caught 4 guys racing on 70" than "oh, I caught 4 reckless drivers on 70." This is where the boundaries and interpretations come into play. A police officer is going to be more keen on interpreting something as street racing if it involves modified cars whereas if it involved 2 Ford Fiesta's (excluding Ken Blocks lol). While it might not be a trial, it usually involves being found guilty unfortunately, especially if someone my age (early 20's) were to be ticketed for it. Our court systems are unfortunately biased against all groups, ages, etc. I can believe it. I'm not going to doubt it, but this is where me saying the LEO's judgement comes into play. I'm not going to go into detail about the money part of mine, because it was easily double of what your's costed, and I had a part time job at McDonalds. I'll drop it at that. There are laws in place for street racing. In my own personal opinion I believe she is pissed over the fact that no one was punished by law for injuring her. Then man who struck her was killed by his own actions, and I believe she is just seeking vengeance now to get the "closure" for lack of better term, that she desires. I'm not "hating" on her for pushing it. But to me I'd want to get the hell on with my life. Each day she fights for this is another day she has to think about what she went through, and it's another day that she could have been enjoying the life she is lucky, as all of us are, to have. From all of the research projects I've done in school, I've found that most LEO's will almost always write a ticket, even when the "suspect" is doubtful to have committed the crime. I.E. A LEO is sitting in his car, in an alley. Hears a car racing it's engine and squealing tires. His natural instinct will be to looks for any car resembling what he pictured in his head, and pursue it, even with no visual evidence. I have IIRC nearly 50-65 pages of 2 separate reports on this for a psychology class, if you'd really like I would be more than happy to try and find them, or attempt to snag them off of my old hard-drive and upload them, with all my resources and information used listed. If I ever made it to sound like I supported him 100% I'm sorry, but I don't. I'll throw this out there, that me vote was neither for Mitt or Barack. Call it a wasted vote, but it's my vote. I support SOME things Obama has done, and there aren't too many. I'm sure if you were in my situation then you would find Obama more appealing than Mitt, if you want the details you are more than welcome to PM me and I'd be glad to shed some light as to why. Not trying to step on your toes at all or come off as an asshole, this is all just simply my opinion, we are all entitled to one, and we all have one.
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