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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. I'm guessing 26-29, 2 kids..
  2. So glad to see I'm not the only one thinking this...
  3. Have shot, I liked the feel more than an AR. In comparison as far as recoil I shot a 7.62 I believe. It's loud as fuck, like no joke, ears rang for a good day
  4. If you answer maybe it pretty much counts as yes IMO. Those who said no are either trolling or are living in a false reality.
  5. I sense butt-hurt being the primary reasoning for this post. It's just the interwebz...
  6. So just heard on Fox News (fukn lol) that the guy knew his mother was trying to put him into a psych wards of sorts... Stirring the pot...:gabe:
  7. No need to be sorry I wasn't trying to go toe to toe with you, just was trying to give my reasoning and elaborate a little more on some of my points lol
  8. I completely understand your perspective here. I know that their are many high functioning Autism and Autism related humans in this world, but their are some that just are unable to make certain sound decisions. I have 2 second cousins that suffer from either Autism or Auspergers, and have 3-4 family friends who have children that do as well, so I am fairly familiar with the struggles that come with it, both for the family as well as the person. I know that Autism doesn't necessarily deem one to have more anger, violence, aggravation, etc. BUT I also do know it is somewhat of a "per-case" situation from my understanding. Not blaming it on his mental capacity entirely, but my main objective in the post was, why would you leave easily accessible weapons to the person in the first place?
  9. That makes me feel a little better lol If my current monetary situation allowed me to get a few more then I would have an absurd amount. I've only got my dad's old AR, hopefully soon picking up another or my CCW and a nice carry piece!
  10. Then I misunderstood your original statement and got off on some sort of rant :fuuuu: :lolguy:
  11. So by gun accidents are you referring to accidental discharges or what?
  12. I'll go out on a limb and say more guns will solve this. Want to see why? Lets say I'm this guy in CT. I know that 80% of Americans have a CCW and carry daily. And that teachers have immediate access to firearms. Will I still go through with it knowing this? Potentially and more than likely yes. How much quicker does this fool get stopped? Instead of going to multiple classrooms someone comes out guns blazing and drops this fool. As a side note I saw something on FaceBook about giving unemployed vets jobs as security at schools. Makes sense, the grunts from what I hear have the highest unemployment rate, and would subsequently have the highest training in security and protection. Put 1 per 50 students or whatever per school and that shithead doesn't even get into the school.
  13. A criminal is a criminal. They will get what they want by doing whatever they can, lawfully or unlawfully. This is like saying fast food should be banned for causing obesity. The notion that banning weapons will end violent and widespread killings is completely preposterous. A man in China killed 20-some people with a knife. Lets outlaw knives as well since people can be killed with those. Then people will use forks, so might as well ban those. My point here is this, the focus shouldn't be on guns. From what I've heard (and this all could be hearsay) is that the guy had some form of Autism, whether it be Auspergers or Autism, I'm not sure. I heard his mother owned the guns and took him out to shoot with her and his Mother told people to basically "watch out for this kid." But yet, why weren't the guns kept completely inaccessible to him? Maybe this all should be aimed at tweaking some minor bits of laws to where people without the mental capacity to make sound decisions without a firearm, and are proven to be unsafe to themselves like those with a mental disability don't have the access to firearms in their homes. I'm not trying to be funny about this at all, and If my facts are incorrect someone please correct me. But it would make sense in my eyes that you don't keep anything deadly near such a person.
  14. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/_57c8a1a431a592af806925e57258202f_zpsa378da18.png The man in my avatar should show where I stand on things. I'm a strict Constitutionalist and Libertarian so I believe what the constitution says, goes. If you personally don't agree with the rights our constitution gives us, then I believe you should find another country to seek citizenship in that suits your own personal needs and opinions.
  15. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens will do nothing. In on page one.
  16. It's a 5.3.....:dumb: LS1 intake...and their is this thing called timing...
  17. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/481731_301474506636061_1799526177_n_zps42f040df.jpg
  18. From NY :fuckyeah: friend of friend of friend. Met at a party in HS and lost touch after that, she found me on facebook and made a weekend trip back over 4th of July. Chick was a freak :masturboy:
  19. 1.5hr, knew each other forever, long time in the making. good ass decsion. best secks ever
  20. Shall I troll to sawmill in a slow supra?
  21. I vote for some random bar after I get off work. Just an idea
  22. I am disappoint you have time to type I hope you are doing some form of fitness regiment while typing to avoid any potential risk for being considered "obese" :gabe:
  23. Someone just went full stoner
  24. I'm at least obese by most physicians scales. My BMI is 30.6, I'm right at 265 and 6'6". According to the chart i just referenced I'm obese.. I know at least one physician I've seen has used the words "overly obese." Funny how when he said that I was still headed to state in track :lolguy:
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