The problem with conspiracies ive learned (first hand at that) is (looking stupid aside) you so desperately want whats going on in reality to not be true because it seems legit there is a conspiracy. "No way dems could do ______, that's so dumb Soros is for sure giving them money to make it happen" You basically place a large bet (your credibility and respect among peers) on the theories being even partially right, and if they aren't you already took the hit when admitting to them being even somewhat truthful.
98/100 theories are outright wrong. But all it takes is those one or two to keep you bought in, whether 100% or partially true.Im a victim of this, literally a month ago I was almost convincing myself the earth was flat and the universe revolved around us.
If you watch enough youtube videos and read enough sketchy articles at 4am anything is possible to believe.