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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Please don't shoot Clay, he has kids and a wife!!!
  2. The problem with conspiracies ive learned (first hand at that) is (looking stupid aside) you so desperately want whats going on in reality to not be true because it seems legit there is a conspiracy. "No way dems could do ______, that's so dumb Soros is for sure giving them money to make it happen" You basically place a large bet (your credibility and respect among peers) on the theories being even partially right, and if they aren't you already took the hit when admitting to them being even somewhat truthful. 98/100 theories are outright wrong. But all it takes is those one or two to keep you bought in, whether 100% or partially true.Im a victim of this, literally a month ago I was almost convincing myself the earth was flat and the universe revolved around us. If you watch enough youtube videos and read enough sketchy articles at 4am anything is possible to believe.
  3. Really doubt second one is legit. Very rare to see (dd/mm/yyyy) format used in the US. Ill be the first to admit I believe a lot of conspiracies since I'm basically half retarded, but this shit is out there lol
  4. Shroud will go back on soon. I cut up that fan for clearance on the last setup so it needs replaced. After that ill grab or make a shroud. I really want to add a second fan that kicks on when the ecu sees no wheel speed if that can be arranged
  5. So busy last few weeks. Got the FMIC built. Kind of was a pain since I have never done any fab work in my life, but got it done. Idle is a lot better now and seeing -6 to -8psi at idle which is nice. Got some more idle tuning done on it but was unfortunately unable to take it on the street to get cruising and light boost tuning done since the wastegate dump tube hasn't come in yet and I had no bov on. This week I'm getting the blow off valve flange welded on and should be ready to rock once I do an alignment and give it a thorough once over. Sorry for shitty camera quality but shows the intercooler setup and a little bit of idle response. It shoots dumb lean when first giving throttle, saw afr's shoot to 19-21:1 so I need to figure that out. It lags in responsiveness with a sudden or slow idle response so I'm sure an area of the VE table just needs increased.
  6. Pull the interior and let it dry or live with the stink
  7. Shitty about HPDE stuff. Haggerty wants $2200/yr which is lolzy given the limitations. I'm gonna price out agreed value on it through a few insurers listed here and just shop around. Didn't think covering something that gets driven less than 2,000 miles per year would be this expensive considering it sits in locked storage. I'd pay more for haggerty than my truck. Insanity.
  8. Looking to insure my Supra within the next week and would like my part costs to be covered at a minimum. Has anyone ever had any luck with agreed value through someone lile american family? The car itself isn't worth much, but as I said I would like the parts (engine, ecu, turbo, etc.) Covered in the event of theft or total loss. As bonus points also looking for a company to ensure Hpde's as well. I know it's kind of a vague post but not much else to say. Full coverage would be a waste in my eyes. A friend with a little more in mods than me had an agreed value of $30k ish through Haggerty and they want $130ish/mo.
  9. I feel lile someone out there wants this car but just hasnt found it yet.
  10. Ever debate eBay or somewhere like BAT?
  11. Ok Guess i just don't see the point. Reclaiming the record is cool and all but it isn't going to bring the car back into production right?
  12. What's funny is that is 99.9% of cr's response when you post
  13. Your right, most journalism isnt the mild, it's far worse. Fuck I mean Clintion News Network blackmailed a redditor
  14. Lol good luck with that. I needed a good giggle today.
  15. I might swing by after picking parts up in Cincy since the meet is minutes from my place.
  16. Your logic evades me. You don't want a basket case car, yet you are willing to turn yours into one... If you want a nodded fast car buy a cheap civic to drive every day and buy a fun car with cash.
  17. I would imagine it tracks engine run time, a BCM likely tracks it while the PCM may as well
  18. Swap Ecu's then dealer will notice VOIDED WARRANTY
  19. True. (Insert smart black guy meme) "Can't get a divorce and worry about kids if you never have either"
  20. So is half of CR getting a divorce or what?
  21. And here I am bitching about like $70 per check LOL
  22. If I get my FMIC and tune sorted I may attempt to limp the car there
  23. Got close a few times. I moved, lost a few months due to that and have been busy with work and the car is an hour from my house right now but I set a goal of making the fall IFO with it and if i didn't it would go so im giving it my best shot. I swapped #3 and #4 coil connectors since they were backwards and it ran better. Tune is way off and i need to get my accessory drive hooked up so i can tinker with timing and try to get even a somewhat steady idle. Got my alternator hooked up so all im waiting on is just the power steering fittings and hose and ill be ready to rock.
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