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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. Damn, I would love to have these but just can't justify the money for headphones. Are they pretty impressive? I've never had a chance to try them out?
  2. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/01/24/3u3areby.jpg
  3. Damn, impressive numbers. Dunking at 5'8 might be harder than the 600 squat! Lol
  4. Hopefully everyone's resolutions/workouts didn't die with this thread lol. Hit back yesterday, mostly concentrating on strict dead lift form, so I didn't go real heavy. Deads: 135x8, 225x8, 275x8, 315x6, 365x6,5,3,3 315x6, 275x6,6 Pull ups superset with underhand rows165, both to failure. 3 sets Chin ups superset with upright rows, 3 sets Machine circuit burnouts cable rows, supported t-bar, lat pulls 3sets to failure Good fatigue, slight lower back pump, but good intense workout. Shoulders today
  5. Wow, 10k+ on tool boxes, really?
  6. I know you said no chains, but the 8 corner from jets pizza is delicious. Get it with turbo crust.
  7. Congrats. There are a few guys around that have some late model Pontiacs doing impressive things. Tim King is building a mean G8 in Dayton. If it were me, I'd go straight to Rick Crawford. He isn't local, but I'm sure you could work that out. The guy is an absolute wizard with G8/GTO's , his customers are killing the records with their low budget setups. Let me know if you need any info I can help with.
  8. Pics are great. Is the vette paint, plastic, or vinyl? Looks fantastic, and I kinda like the black mirrors for some reason.
  9. We have an 08 is250 awd 4dr, only complaint is that the back seat is nonexistent , no leg room at all. Otherwise dependable car at 100,000 mi and counting. We are selling now due to a baby on the way.
  10. Sweet! Congrats on the new ride, any mods before spring? I know you said exh/int
  11. cstmg8

    Medical Update

    Glad to hear things are moving forward, And you're getting some positive plans in place! Wish you the best possible diagnosis/ results, and let us know if there's anything your cr friends can do to help.
  12. Bump for some new years workouts! C'mon folks its nice to see what others are doing to get workout ideas. I am always interested in variations in rep schemes, lifts and volume.
  13. cstmg8


    Wait........ I could wire a fake plug to the G8, and park near the entrance every time?! Woohoo
  14. Looks like Florida St offense is waking up in the fourth quarter
  15. Want one, can't wait to get our expected a big wheel! I broke several as a kid lol.
  16. Sorry to hear this, and you'll be in our prayers. They can do amazing things these days, so try to stay positive and get well!
  17. They are usually behind the lower panel, but there is also usually a small window where the flashing can be seen.
  18. Deads: 135x10, 225x10, 275x8, 315x8,6,6, 365x3,2 Underhand rows: 135x10, 185x8,8,8 Pull ups superset with upright rows. 3 sets
  19. What's he hauling: http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/01/05/umenesah.jpg
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