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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. Wow, that's impressive , 12% at 230 is big. Takes some serious work.
  2. What are your stats, lean weight goal? How much did you put on? I'm at 214, but sloppier than I'd like, shooting for a sub 15% 200-203ish.
  3. 135x10, 185x8, 205x5, 215x4, 225x3, 235x2(heaviest non smith) Flat: 2 boards 225x4, 205x6 Incline: 155x10, 175x8,8 Incline fly: 40x10, 50x10, 60x8 3 sets cable fly Pushups to failure
  4. Felt weak today: legs: squats 135x10, 185x10, 225x8, ass to the grass, 275x6, 315x2-fail,1-fail, parallel, 225x6, 185x6, 135x6 Dropped weight to work on/correct form. Leg press: 5x10 superset w/ calf extensions x25
  5. I don't have a lot, but gave what I can right now. I'll definitely give again when I'm able. I wish the best for him and his family. It also makes me feel pretty good about this group of people when I see how generous they can be. Props to the two guys above me who get it done when needed, and all others who come together.
  6. Wait, are you telling me that Oklahoma street outlaws aren't the fastest cars ever????? That thing is impressive.
  7. Hahaha, I almost listed that as my arm day!
  8. Get this thing to the new years drags and post some numbers!! Lol Side note: what are your holiday hours today/tomorrow? I need to get a tire leak repaired on my girls is250.
  9. I just read a few interesting articles about neck inury and the importance of training it. I have had some neck strain/stiffness that I have wondered if I can attribute to a lack of strengthening the neck. I recently added it to my weekly routine.
  10. Looks like a blast, I will not be missing the next event!!
  11. Arm day is like a vacation day! Quick warm up: curls,extensions Close grip: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10, 155x8, 175x8, 185x6 All Superset, 2 sets close grip/ 1 set 10 chin ups 3 sets superset: 15 ez curl/cable extension 8 overhand/8 underhand Neck extension front/back First time working neck, going to try to include it 2-3 times a week.
  12. Elliptical is much easier on the body. If feet are your issue, have you tried a rowing machine for cardio? It takes a bit to get comfortable, but is full body work that will blow running/walking out of the water.
  13. Sorry to hear that, but give it time to recover, most important. In the mean time, Build those legs!!
  14. Could you elaborate? Never heard of a climbing gym, or a 5.12. Lol. Unless you mean you are actually out climbing which would make sense lol.
  15. 85x10, 135x8, 155x8, 175x6,6, 155x10, 135x10,8 3 sets side laterals 3 sets front raises 3 sets 20 shrugs Kept it lighter due to a little stiffness in the neck still, but felt much better.
  16. Ditto!! Well, to everyone though
  17. As for arms, work your arms lol. Honestly things like loosening a bolt require more core strength, so work your back, chest, abs a little more. Really you should just try to bring your whole body up. Compound movements like squat, bench, and deadlift work everything. Keep a small cheater bar handy, break any bolt loose!! As for moobs, diet and cardio are it, gotta burn that fat. I actually carry a lot of fat in my chest to, first place I notice it.
  18. Good work, that's quite a weight loss. Glad to hear he's got you squatting, stick with em and the muscle will start packing on.
  19. Damn Steelers, we shouldn't even have been in it, but then to get our hopes up and get so close!! I feel like a browns fan lol Thought the chiefs second string had it.
  20. I'm guessing that if his previous stats were correct (not questioning that), the injuries were preventing heavier weight. 6% is insane, and almost impossible to sustain.
  21. ^^^^ you're doing way more than most of the population. Working out is all about what's best for you're body/goals.
  22. I'm somewhere in between right no. I want to stay around 205 but continue to lean out and get stronger.
  23. Saves my ass from going out, paying for convenience. Usually 4 or 5 bucks
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