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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. Fwiw, they were 1k+ under Lowes for similar grade granite in our kitchen.
  2. Today was back day, but I woke up with a bit of a stiff neck/shoulder so I lightened up the weight and went for higher reps/heart rate: Deads 135x10,10. 225x10,10 275x10,10,10 superset with 10 wide grip pullups Supported rows. 135x12,10,10 superset with pulldowns 135x10,10,10 Upright rows 110x12,12,10 Called it when my neck started tightening up, shoulders tomorrow.
  3. I recommend countertop sales off Taylor station and broad. Very helpful, small businesses feel, and they did a great job on our kitchen.
  4. Awesome! During the first vid I wondered if anyone had figured out the drifting. Second video says yes. Lol
  5. I saw that pile up on the news, nasty!
  6. You are crazy lean! Awesome numbers, you must know what you're doing. I've seen to many people get hurt with poor form on cross fit routines.
  7. If you are close or travel downtown, check out beyond limits. I feel the same way, free weights for my workouts, maybe burn out on cables. I would gladly meet you to lift there one day if you want to check it out. I think it's $5, but they usually don't even ask. Old brick building, with lots of free weights and strong man. Chalk, belts, fat bars, etc...
  8. Nice, We have some impressive lifters on here. Forgot to mention I work out at Beyond Limits Training, and love it. Long st, old school feel with modern equipment, cross fit, strongman, free weights etc... 24/7 I'm going to stick with my current split, but change up my rep range and exercises. Basically: Legs Chest Back Shoulders Arms That order but no set day of the week. I plan to go to the gym everyday, if something comes up or I need a recovery day, I take it. If I'm feeling good I go from arm day straight back to leg day. Arm day is like a vacation anyway lol. My numbers aren't impressive, but I haven't done 1rpm in a long time. Bench: 245x3. (Big improvement for me) Dead: 365x3 (haven't gone hvy for a bit) Squat: 375x3 Numbers are relative, work hard and set goals!!
  9. Todays workout: chest 135x10,10, 185x8,8, 205x3,3 215x3, (all touching the chest) 225x2,2, 215x2,2, 205x5,3 (2 boards), 185x4,5, 155x10,7, 135x9,5 (all touching chest) Cable flies. Stumble out of gym
  10. I'll start. I'm 31, I've lifted off and on since highschool athletics, but life always got in the way. At 30 I made a decision to stick with it and workout no matter what. I'm expecting my first child and want to be an active father, so that's my current motivation. I have a solid year under my belt, and seeing good progress, so I'm trying to up my intensity and discipline in the gym this coming year. 31 6' 208 lbs Guessing 16-17% body fat
  11. Didn't find anything recent. It's almost resolution time, and I'm sure there are some seasoned lifters on here that have some good advice and gym recommendations. Tell your story, where you workout, your daily workout...... whatever. I'm always looking for new ideas. Let's try to keep this going, and constructive. lol. I know some aren't interested, and that's fine, so don't post!
  12. I may be wrong, but I think you guys are arguing over two different "heat pumps". You guys are talking about a heat pump/air conditioner which runs on freon with a compressor and a reversing valve. The op is talking about hot water heat, saying it circulates from his water heater. Essentially like a boiler system. Sounds like they are having circulation problems, like air lock. I am not familiar with his system, does it circulate a closed loop through the h2o tank, or circulate the domestic hot water through the furnace coil? I'm guessing it's either a bad thermostat/solenoid valve combo, or air in the lines. Keep us posted op, and any more info/pics of the system would be interesting.
  13. Fucking nut job, end yourself and spare the innocent child. I can't imagine how the mother must feel.
  14. I'm with you on that one, our first is due in July!
  15. Some great recommendations here, looks like I have a lot of research to do.
  16. We had Christmas with her family on sat, so we've already started: Fav so far: http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/12/23/udyma3uj.jpg
  17. Well shit, then get one from a yard and bolt 'er in!
  18. I think that should be sufficient, maybe even overkill, but there are many others much more qualified than I that will chime in soon.
  19. Wasn't he leaving the show anyway? Although I'm usually quick to jump on the "free speech" bandwagon, I agree that this is probably more of a contract breach with A&E than a constitutional issue. He knew what was coming, and if he was prepared for it, props to him for speaking his mind, regardless of his opinions.
  20. I'd say if it's a $900 car and you want to keep beating on it, weld a piece of steel in there, drill it appropriately and bolt em up. Doesn't sound like you have much to lose, as long as safety isn't compromised. I know a semi-dependable dd for <1k can be hard to find.
  21. Thanks for the suggestions, any pictures? I don't mind driving for a good artist.
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