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Posts posted by cstmg8

  1. Dead blow hammer deals. Again, anyone can see these on garage journal.

    Made in the USA dead blow hammer blems. If you put in code blemx2 at checkout it doubles your order at no cost.

    I'm going to order a few varieties, but it might not be a bad idea to do a group purchase if anyone wants to split some hammers?? Makes them really cheap if you don't need two.




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  2. Ordered...have you SEEN my welds?!? ;)


    Thank you for a great deal on consumables. Keep’em coming, CR!

    Awesome, I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested. Then I remembered you're a bunch of cheapskates like me!

    Garage journal really is a great forum, maybe we need a deals thread here for automotive items and tools.

    I'll try to post other deals here when I see them.


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  3. So the water curb box down on my sidewalk in front of my house is slowly leaking out the top of the cover. I called the city, they had their folks come out and look at it. They are telling me it isn't their leak, it's somewhere between the curb box and the meter and apparently it's my responsibility to have a certified contractor come out, find the leak, and fix it. And then I need to call the city again and have them come back to inspect.




    Any advice? Any recommendations on who I should call?

    Be prepared, it has to be a contractor off their dot licensed list and it is not cheap. Hopefully Steve's guy has time to take care of you.

    Which side of town are you on?


    Edit:. Just saw your location is Hilliard.

  4. My test just came back negative so I just have some other stupid shit
    Hopefully good news for you, glad to hear. The good thing is that treatment is the same at home as any other flu.

    For what it's worth, I took vitamins C, D, and zinc on top of my multi. My bad symptoms were limited to a few days for some reason .[emoji2369]



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  5. How are you COVID patients doing? Survive the weekend?
    I'm feeling much better, just the same sinus issues and easily fatigued from physical activity. My wife still feels pretty crappy, cough, chest tightness, exhaustion, but her temp and pulse ox are good, so I think she's heading in the right direction. I still think anxiety of Covid is hurting her almost as much as the virus.

    Overall we're ok, thanks for asking.


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  6. ...which based on current guidance, UA is starting out hybrid. My kiddos will be home Mon-Tues. Crazy how much they will be home, based on next year’s schedule. They’ll be in school Dec 18th, and then not again until Jan 7th.


    Hope we can get past COVID for everyone’s health...but the data isn’t looking good.

    It's such a tough call. Pickeringtons schedule/options is the same, but what makes more sense? I really want the kids to have the socialization, but would it be safer to just stay home the extra two days?

    The online learning isn't easy either, I feel like so many kids are going to be way behind in this setup. I would say my 6 yr old is above average when it comes to learning, she's always been ahead of the curve. We really had to crackdown at home to get her reading at a good level, and grasp basic arithmetic skills.

    I can't imagine a child that struggles to learn, and know that a lot of parents out there aren't going to put in the work.


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  7. Wish you guys a speedy recovery. I have two boxes of 30 packs emergen-c left if you need.
    Really appreciate the offer, we're stocked up!
    I heard bourbon/whiskey kills coronAIDS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Sounds like gospel to me! I'm in.


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  8. Pickerington schools just announced their "flex learning plan". Anyone else's district done this yet? How are parents going to provide care for kids that are home three days a week????


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  9. Can I have your Balvenie?
    Of course, and the Woodford reserve chocolate malt, and a half bottle of black Velvet.

    Speaking of which, I really want a drink, lol, but I figure dehydration is counter productive right?


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  10. Was able to get a labcorp test shipped SAME DAY (woo) so I'll know in about 5 days maybe.




    it's not that bad right now and I'll get a nice work vacation.

    Hopefully it stays that way for you too. As stated earlier, keep hydrated and monitor your respiratory state. I recommend a pulse ox meter off Amazon for $25, for peace of mind.


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  11. Got our results, her test on Friday was negative our tests on Tuesday are both positive. Strange that she wasn't showing on Friday, as bad as we felt Saturday. Who knows.

    Doc has her freaked out, after telling her that symptoms send to take a turn for the worse around days 7-9......... I'm sure anxiety will help.


    FYI, doc said to continue a regimen of vitamin C (emergen C) and actually suggested Vitamin D as well. I've been taking it since the researcher on Joe Rogan talked about it.


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  12. Unfortunately the labs are overwhelmed and the testing sites are staffed by people who aren't used to this process/position (no one is). Mistakes are definitely going to be made, hopefully they aren't often enough to skew any real data.

    My wife has only received results for 33 out out of 111 employees tested at a nursing home last Friday. That testing was performed by the national guard.


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  13. rona part 2: electric boogaloo


    fun fact i'm awaiting a testing appointment as I have almost all the major symptoms




    (not shitposting here i've been up all night coughing)

    Where'd you decide to get the test? If you have to wait long, we had no wait at Ohio health urgent care. They swab you in your vehicle.

    Best of luck to you.


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  14. Breathing excercise and stay hydrated my friend. Praying for you guys
    We've been monitoring our pulse ox as well, so far so good. The sneaky lung issues people are reporting are definitely the biggest fear.


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  15. Just got an email that Power Tour and DragWeek are cancelled.


    RIP 2020

    This is a bummer, I totally get it, but hoped to have the viewing content they both provide on Motor Trend and YouTube.


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  16. First, thank you for the well wishes and the several CR members who reached out personally.

    I'm 37 and my wife is 33, average health I'd say. I was in much better physical condition but have struggled to find a workout schedule since moving last year. Like most here, I work for a living and do a lot of projects/work around the house. I'm not usually affected badly by the flu etc..


    Symptoms started late Friday the 10th.

    By Saturday it was extreme fatigue/lethargy like I've never felt. Hard to get off the couch. Completely exhausting.

    Sunday was more of the same, with the onset of what feels like a sinus infection. I lost all sense of smell and most taste Sunday night. (Strangest symptom for sure)

    By Monday I was still exhausted but not getting worse. Wife was the same. Feels like the worst Sinus infection I've ever had. I have absolutely no smell or taste. I actually felt ok enough to cut up a tree that was in the way of my new shop build. May have over done it a bit and felt pretty crappy Monday night.

    Tuesday I began to feel a little more energy with strange waves of fatigue/nausea, probably based on my activity. Sinus issues continue, and the only new symptom for both of us is a sore throat and a minor cough for the Wife. She is still pretty fatigued, basically does one house chore (sweeping, cooking, laundry, etc..) at a time with a period of rest between. I was able to slowly unload the tree top/branches on the brush pile and string out the building site with some effort.


    Wednesday (today) is pretty much the same as yesterday for me, sinus pain, tired, still no smell or taste, but overall ok. Similar for the wife, though she is more fatigued than me and the sore throat is more prominent. I was able to relax in the pond while the kids swam, but any swimming on my part was instant fatigue.


    Neither kid (4 and 6) has shown any symptoms, and I pray that it stays that way.

    Hopefully we're on the upswing, and if it doesn't get any worse than this, I'll consider us to be very lucky. My only concern at this point is Hayley's slight cough, but it doesn't seem to be worsening.

    Sorry if the daily tasks are annoying, I just thought it might be more relatable for folks to understand the effects.





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  17. so what were the test results? how are you feeling? Also super curious what DeWine tells us tonight.
    We actually haven't gotten the results from the national guard test LAST Friday, crazy. We went to Ohio health urgent care in reynoldsburgh and they do a throat swab in your vehicle. That was 4 o'clock yesterday, and they said 24-48 hrs.

    It's basically just a technicality at this point.

    The ONLY social contact we had, aside from distant patio visits to our parents, was finally caving and visiting some family in Athens for the 4th. We were on the family farm everyone spread out in lawn chairs under our own canopy (it was hot) and we wore masks if we were even remotely walking close to anyone. [emoji1745]

    I have a cousin in Athens who's symptoms and timeline have followed mine almost to a T. He tested positive on Monday.

    If CR is interested, I'll gladly track our symptoms for anyone who's curious or may gain an advantage on what to expect. If not, I'll just quietly get over this crap and get back to trolling Otis.




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