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Posts posted by cstmg8

  1. Thanks! On the hardware, can you elaborate?








    Right! And, thats likley one that is just wood sides, 1x consturction, no loft...ect. Unfortunaly with the Vynal siding requirement, and my desire for a 2nd story of shelves, I was immediatly thrust into the $5k+ and up territory for one that was built and delivered.




    That shelf up top is over 6ft high, and 24 deep. Lots of room for activites (IE, car junk lol)withotu losing any floor space.





    My guess is that he was asking about the joist hangers.


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  2. I have definitely never felt more unrepresented in an election. I tend to vote more conservatively, but don't feel strongly about a lot of the issues that the far right (Trump) choose to stand on. I just cannot convince myself to vote for the current liberal party.

    If I could choose a candidate that was financially conservative but more socially liberal than the current right (not full current democratic party) I would be a hands down supporter. I suppose I fall under the same "lesser of two evils crowd" but I would love to think that my vote would make a difference toward a third party...


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  3. Yesterday, I drive up to Sunbury, then East on Rt-61(?) past 36 all the way out to Thornville.

    Today, I drove Post Rd through Plain City.


    I was amazed at the Trump s igns, flags, banners. Etc...I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Amazing how country folk love their God, guns, and freedom.

    That's most of the state. I service elevators in jackson, Williamsport, Athens, I was even at Burr Oak Lodge today. It's amazing how elaborate some of the pro Trump, anti Biden displays are. I can only imagine the money some people have in these.

    Lol, I had to take a pic of this one in Mechanicsburg up north:5cf9bd480a509a9c9085c21d1ee45fe5.jpg


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  4. Second the Sony for quality. We have Samsung TV's all over the house and I have zero complaints about them, but our A9 master series blows them out of the water. Picture is amazing and the sound is awesome for a tv. You can also wire it up as your center channel.

    Unless you're just looking for cheapest possible (sometimes the case) I have learned to avoid black friday "specials". If it's a lower price on an existing model, that's fine, but they produce special models with cheaper/inferior parts for the sales each year. I've returned two and spent more because they stunk.


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  5. Either my math or their math is off on sq ft, final agreed price is $4k. Yes a tough pill to swallow, but I lack the time to do this. 2 kids and a demanding job mean I’ll never get it done if I try to DIY. And as an engineer, I’ve DIY’d a lot. Everyone’s situation is unique, this is my one shot to setup the garage/shop how I want, and I’m taking it. Before my wife changes her mind...



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    Definitely understand, I used to build for a living and I'm not doing my own, lol. I'm trying to do things right from the start as well. You'll end up with a great finished product and I hope you get finished first so you can review for us! Lol


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