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Posts posted by cstmg8

  1. I wasn't expecting money but I didn't realize the per-child payment wasn't income dependent. I'd say these little fuckers are paying for themselves but I'm sure I'm still in the hole about 100k per snot factory.


    Honestly I have spending a bit more on them lately, I feel bad for them being cooped up all day.

    We'll get the $500 per child even if we're over $200k??? We haven't seen any money at all, so figured we wouldn't get the child credit either.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  2. Yeah, I don't like them enough to buy one if they suck to work on. I read a brief article about the Contour SVT earlier today and how time consuming it is for something as simple as an alternator change. F that. Same reason why I never bought a Lumina Z34. I wanted one with a 5-speed sooo bad back in the day, but the DOHC 3.4 was a huge pain.
    Yep, I had the 3.4 in a '91 GTP. You had to pull the passenger wheel/tire and fender well, to change the alternator. It finally broke a timing chain, so I swapped in an L67.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  3. Holy *#@$, congrats. I'm guessing you paid no where near that? I know these bring a premium, especially such a clean example, but had no idea it'd sell for that.

    Makes me think I should put a little work into cleaning mine up and see if I can sell it for half that.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  4. Sorry to hear that, hope the recovery is 100%. Maybe you just needed some forced time to relax, lol.

    Heal up, and I'll just have to vicariously live my classic truck dreams elsewhere for a bit.


    How was the hospital during this mess?


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  5. Side note. Just got one of these because it's the only filet knife I remember my dad ever using. We always just sharpened them on two wet stones. Ignore the shitty sharpener that came in the package.





    I also bought some kamikoto steak knives a while back that I'll need a stone for soon. Their stone is $200!


  6. I was planning to put mine into savings for a rainy day. Then my neighbor messaged me about a guy selling a Festool Domino. Got a basically brand new Domino and systainer kit for less than the stimulus. Would have been about $1500 otherwise. Looks like he only used 1 size of tenon for whatever he was doing, so about 1/2 of that size is gone, and the rest are full.
    Nice score. I've looked at the festool setup at Woodwerks. Did you already have the vac setup?


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  7. Got my Racedeck floor installed and picked up a couple new boxes yesterday. My plan is to build a frame for the boxes with a butcher block top.


    (Ok, seriously...why the f_ck do all of my uploads say pending approval?)

    Interested to see your racedeck floor. That's going to be the first thing I do to the attached garage when I get the shop built.

    Which product did you go with?


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  8. First of the wifes homebound project was the dining room. Last week I basically painted walls and ceiling, swapped furniture, changed window treatments and swapped all outlets and receptacles.

    This week's project has been the basement, but it's a bit larger, so I'm still working on it.

    Pics, black ceiling is after:




  9. I got all terrain tires for my Buick wagon. Then the rest probably will be on standby to help support my parents if they need it. Dad is a barber and has been out of work and not eligible for unemployment due to him being self employed
    How does this work? Being punished for being self employed? It seems like there should be a way to prove income/revenue/taxes paid to qualify for unemployment.

    Do you have to elect to pay into unemployment to be able to draw later?


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  10. We aren't going to see a dime of it, but I would have loved to use it on the shop I'm building. Maybe some concrete, a lift, or interior wall covering.

    I'm glad it'll be helping a lot of people that need it, but damnit this is America, more income = more bills. We make good money and do a decent job trying to live within our means, but we have some large bills that count on that income as well.

    The amount we paid in taxes last year about gives me a hard attack. Would have been nice to get a chunk back, lol.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  11. Nir4xwArTS5lywFeBSsQK838KgrBi0TwzR4-eR-vpurLsp7BgHZH6v87DoD-KPBPDMuw17dfcG6zwirjebNhBz4jTY-3aajaKQz61GPVyhaXyl_ao0P-9df9dxlxyaR6jcuc4ydwUSV_DIo4ZrjTYCTpyw6unQt9dEBF6OXA5MoI40_ji4xlBfZ3fE30scz59EYM8UnKeIQ00-mFOFAhZnrsvZjJHOPTRfA9Y_Q6VhDllLj52j6oxt2CJt7K35a3yisItHwE4Fy7MIg-wwpz8sQUUAwJoGY9CyFq5hnLnjkwAeYeuSDTIg73vq1woRTP50uUmPrkyUXEreStelqKQkZa0VT4ZRp4NwAIkGw60ms2qKFyNyVSZco-EN9SR7n-pQ_lSWpIiCxJPuXxeCzhMCsmCYXu7ignUkPb1rFQ8v9drRS3qaHBx3I-iQPe_V88FTf8GTjgSGxhBzEzSkWCC-y326Er8mzv12GU335AczF7Qih-eiJSxsolBLOOFB2a4NYd85H3W-2VFOIfVMPJVfOKbZJkJn13_0uF75gKiazv0tbuVo8csg51FEb6dybThOLWF-X-_TUUjmkryMa7_3dZez4066eT5Q4sVLN79Y9hRq7YcFfYexNw8ccx--DpAzb9Xa3_zoQQAbmH9IxwAieOzgRK_odLHSs_auvSdVXtmBRN7-Tv86I3wd7AJqH4o9A3SmdfeHpX_CgAXnfkl4F9qHSJSAnoWg_Gn6g6SlYvnGupg7amiA7J=w1600-h359-no



    Large pic. Panoramic shot of the kitchen into the family room. Should be moving in soon (has to be at least May 8th because that's the earliest date Ashley furniture will deliver :()

    Awesome man, I'm happy for you guys. It has to feel good to get back to some bit of normalcy, especially in this craziness.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  12. I call nonsense.




    It was clear “almost overnight” that the virus wasn’t human-made, Andersen says. Anyone hoping to create a virus would need to work with already known viruses and engineer them to have desired properties.




    But the SARS-CoV-2 virus has components that differ from those of previously known viruses, so they had to come from an unknown virus or viruses in nature. “Genetic data irrefutably show that SARS-CoV-2 is not derived from any previously used virus backbone,” Andersen and colleagues write in the study.










    Just as devil's advocate. He's not claiming human made, just that they were experimenting/researching viruses and allowed something out.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

  13. Interesting that it came from a research lab and not a bioweapons lab, and very believable.

    Can we all agree that any information coming from China is complete bullshit?? Right, only 3,000 deaths in a country of billions, when New York alone is more than triple that.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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