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Posts posted by cstmg8

  1. How do you want the underside finished? Looks like you may be able to year the gutter/fascia off above the window and bring that pitch on out. May not have to touch the roof above the door that way, just flash into that wall.

    If you aren't going for cheap/simple, you could always bring a new ridge line adjacent to the window wall and valley the roof lines above the door. It'd give you a tall ceiling and gable end with lots of aesthetic possibilities.


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  2. This was debated on here, heavily, many a year before you came along.


    Everyone knows....the plane DOES NOT take off.




    Yeah, I don't understand why this would ever be a debate? The treadmill is moving, not the plane in relation to the environment around it, ie: the air.


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  3. Good work on the whiskepoxy.


    Duff, I like the Western Reserve 14 yr. It's not replacing my AE rye, but I'd say I like it better than the popular buffalo trace, eagle rare, etc.. I'm not sure if it's $100 better, but I'm definitely going to keep a couple bottles around.


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  4. Nice looking truck, I'm also interested in hearing your thoughts on this drivetrain. I hope it proves to be durable and GM puts it in a lot of vehicles, could make a good swap candidate for off-road projects.


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  5. When I had my BMW M42B18 4-cylinder head in for a 3-angle valve job and rebuild, I took it to NAPA on 161. They obviously farm out the machine work, but it was less than $500 for all the machine work, new valve seals, cam bearings and reinstall, etc...and was done on time.


    Mike at M&M had the head for a couple of months on the floor of his shop and never touched it.


    I forgot who recommended NAPA (Nickey?) but it was a great option.

    I believe the NAPA in Newark gets all of the machine work. If you want to talk to the guys that do the work, call that branch.

    They were very reasonable on a set of toyota heads.


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  6. Stay away from the AMG. My ‘12 E63 AMG was leaking everything except brake fluid. Mb used biodegradable plastic fittings for the coolant and vacuum hoses, the heat from the turbo just cooked them up. Those fittings will just snapped off and crumbled in your hands.


    I like my Cayenne but it has it own set of problems too.

    Same, I had to replace every coolant line and fitting on our GL450. I just can't see the idea behind the plastic fittings, but it makes mercedes a 100,000 mile car to avoid. Also the engine bay is tight with twin turbos, so $500 in coolant system parts were a PIA to replace. Don't get me started on the intake tubes that crumble when you look at them sideways.


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  7. Had the Western Reserve 14 year yet? Stuff is incredible, I'm on my 3rd bottle in about a year. I don't drink it as often because $100/bottle.
    Looks like it's readily available, I'll have to try it out. What are some of your other favorites, to get a sense of your preferences? Including other liquors?


    Apparently they haven't been around long enough to age much so their older stuff is sourced dickel. I'm sure some of the other guys here can give you comps from the same mash.

  8. when I lived in Boston, I lived in an old building with one of those 1930's steel cage elevators with the manual floor control lever. Are there any of those old style still operating in Ohio?
    There are still several, most are service/freight elevators that only get used by the specific building/company employees. That's just in our locals work area I'm sure there are quite a few in cleveland, toledo and cincinnati areas.

    There are also some where you pull a rope up or down to drive the car.


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  9. 2014 were all auto's. 2015 added the manual and Magnetic ride. IMHO 2016-17 are the years to get since they include all of the best stuff, like adjustable exhaust, 4 corner Brembo's, manual, and Mag-ride.
    Agreed, but still tough to beat the value of this 14 when you want 4 doors and LS3 sounds.


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  10. Those of you who have little or no social media: nobody cares. [emoji38] No more than you care about anyone having any given platform.


    That being said, I'm gonna create a new social media platform. Gonna call it Sandbarr. Instead of "likes" or thumbs up you can "rum" a post or not.

    I knew you'd see the light someday.giphy.gif?cid=349c9dd77vnzlr15gpqrepciibq6phc13ujf4p6za8doa6b4&rid=giphy.gif


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  11. I'm so sorry if you've ever had to deal with one of these with WOW and the shitty Cisco (and more recently ObiHai) ATAs we used to service them




    Same to you, but man do I look over a lot of tickets where 40 year old telephone wiring on an elevator is the reason you're getting shit voltage at the far end. I can only amp it so much if its on an adtran.

    Definitely, we often have to switch wires in the travel cable, or run all new. I've seen old installs with phone line hanging in the hoist way like the travel cable, moving with the car!


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  12. Have you tried and 21 day intermittent fast? When your body is off or stuck, fasting can be what's needed to break through. I do about 4 fasts a year. I'm 10 days into one right now, with a 5 hour eat window. It's pretty great the feeling, mental clarity and focus that I have noticed in doing these. Inflammation should see improvement too.
    I've done daily fasting, like eating nothing from 8pm to noon. What are your fasts like?


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  13. That is fascinating stuff to me, sometimes I get to work in those elevator rooms, usually to diagnose the phone connection back to the comm rooms in the hotels here. I got to work side by side some of the elevator guys here for a couple days on a remodel. Very cool.


    The comm rooms I go in look about like your wiring messes except not as old. Usually there's a mix of equipment I'm working on going back to the `80-90's at the most, I had an old OS2 Warp system I was working on for one of the hotels. I handle outside DMARC all the way to windows server configurations then down to the desktop or end points and everything in between on a daily basis so I never know what I'm gonna be doing or what company I'm gonna be at, keeps it very interesting.


    Now if I could get rid of all those old US Robotics 56K modems I see being used as a remote connection.

    Hahaha, some of the phone/networking rooms I see in buildings are terrifying, I feel for you. Weeknd up working with a lot of phone/it guys because customers go to voice over IP or data lines and the elevator phones don't work anymore.


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  14. The fatigue part of covid is a real thing too. I was sleeping 18+ hours a day for several days. You would think after sleeping most of a day the next day you'd have trouble getting to sleep but that was not an issue. I was sleeping constantly. I will say after I've come out of it I've actually slept better than I have in years. This whole week I've knocked out a solid 7-8 hours a night. It's been years since I've done that.
    I had been blaming my fatigue on being old (38) and fat, but I'm really wondering now. We had Covid in late July, and while I was only hot hard for about 3 days, the fatigue was ridiculous. I walk a lot of stairs at work, as when I get called the elevator is broken.

    Buildings I've walked a dozen times with my tool backpack, exhaust me now. I have really been struggling to get any intensity in my workouts, it's frustrating.

    I'm determined to get it back, and looking into anti-inflammatory supplements for brain and heart.


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  15. Yeah, the crt was pretty cool for it's era. It basically showed inputs and outputs for each circuit. As long as you knew which row/column to look at, you could see your I/O's.

    That controller looks worse than usual, because it's actually a '90s O Thompson that we were in the middle of modding. Basically that's the group controller that handled dispatching for all the cars, and we had to integrate the new controllers as we replaced nine elevators one at a time, until we could switch to the new hall risers. Essentially integrating discrete with serial.

    I'll dig up some pics of that machine room, I'm pretty proud of the transformation.


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