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Posts posted by Stretch


    I did speak with a few of you the last couple nights, everyone I spoke with was great.


    Nice meeting you as well.


    There's always the option of MY store up on 23 though that would be a bit far for most people for sure. I've talked to myself and myself says he's fine with it as long as we clean up after ourselves and don't get TOO rowdy :)


    Which store is this?

  2. :gabe:G


    I was pulled over by a Trooper heading to Sandusky with my wife. I was in the fast lane and was coming up on the officer doing a speed check in the middle of the highway. I got over to the middle lane when I saw him all the while doing the speed limit. Officer pulls out and blue lights me. When he approached the passenger side where my wife was sitting I asked him what I was being stopped for. His response was that I looked suspicious getting over one lane when I came up on him. He checked license and I was on my way.


    I was driving in Dallas, TX one evening and a State Trooper followed me all the way through the city on the interstate. Miles and miles he was riding my ass and after about 15 minutes blue lights came on. When he approached I asked what I was being pulled for he told me that he saw me following to close which was complete bullshit. I told him I was no closer than he was to me going through town and he agreed. Checked license and I was on my way.


    I was driving through Houston, TX and was pulled over by a K9 State Trooper as I was in a work zone going 5 under because of heavy traffic. When I asked him what I was stopped for he told me I was in a high drug traffic area with ohio tags. He told me he was going to let his dog walk around my car which he di and checked my license and I was on my way.



    Is that good enough for you officer of some first hand experience? I realize a small percentage of your kind is honest but letting your fellow officers get away with the bullshit makes all of you look bad.


    Example #1: Fun fact: If a Trooper (at least in Ohio) tells you that you were speeding or gives you an exact speed you were going, it's in their policy that they have to cite you. If they don't, they get written up by their supervisors. Very well could be you were speeding but he didn't feel like messing with it. Everything they say is recorded.


    Example #2: He said you were following too close, you disagreed. His word vs yours.


    Example #3: No comments as I don't know many laws and policies in Texas.


    I'm not saying cops are perfect. They're far from it. Unfortunately there are those ones out there that give all cops a bad reputation It just gets old seeing people bitch and complain about cops because they got a speeding ticket 5 years ago or some crap like that or they tell a story to make the officers look bad when it was in fact a justified stop.

  3. I think some information is missing here. Are you able to take a picture of the ticket and post it? What's the exact offense she was cited with? O.R.C or ordinance number would be great.


    You can be stopped for a seatbelt in most jurisdictions. However, it's not a moving violation so it doesn't add any points to your license.

  4. my wife said there's no way that they could have ran her plates until she was already pulled over. she said he did a u-turn got behind another truck, turned on his lights and then pulled her over. The ticket is also for $125 dollars and it says it's Delaware Court but looking on that site, it says 30 dollars is maximum ticket fee... so what gives?


    Greg, I don't think that her ticket is cheaper... last speeding ticket I got was like 89 dollars or something... this is $125


    Probably stopped her for speed. Many departments have vehicles with LPRs (license plate readers) on them. Automatically runs every plate through the computer that passes it, opposite direction or not.


    As far as the CCW being a "target", no.. Just no. I love seeing people with Ccws. They're always polite and I appreciate the fact that they go through the effort to legally conceal a firearm. I will never bother a CCW holder unless I absolutely have to and every other LEO I know is the same way.

  5. Little update. Had a few minutes to mess with it today. Pulled the battery, cleaned all the terminals, checked the ground, tightened it. Dropped it back in and the car fired right up. Hopefully that's all it was. Going to drive it to work today and see what happens.


    Thanks for the input. If it still acts up later I'll take the other advice mentioned.

  6. Im about as smart as can be in a parking lot lot meet. Im quiet, dont litter, park normal. And I wouldn't want to pay to stand in a parking lot. Its not going to break me to pay a few bucks eathier. So thats a pretty dumb comment to make. Just my 2 cents.



  7. +1 for bad battery. Sounds like its not putting out enough juice to keep the radio/lights on while pulling current for the starter.


    Yeah, I thought that too but when ever i've had battery issues they seem to be consistent. No harm in getting the battery checked though.


    I'm gonna start there. Going to pull it tuesday and run it down the street to be checked. Will also check the ground on it.

  8. It's a chip on your key. Sometimes it gets dirty/film on it.


    I'll give that a shot today.


    I would also have the battery tested. I had similar weird issues with my Trans Am and was completely stumped. I took it to the dealer which I never do and it ended up being a bad battery.


    Never thought of that. Thanks

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