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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. Pass key? My sons Regal and my old Lumina did the same thing.


    Might be the key, or something in the column.


    Not sure what exactly a pass key is... :confused:


    Check the battery body ground, definitely sounds like it's something related to the Electrical system. More then likely a ground issue,relay issue, or possibly a failing starter.


    I was going to start with the battery ground. Next time I could possibly have time is Tuesday. I hope it's something easy

  2. Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm stumped here. I'll give you a little background. Car is a 2004 Z06.


    Wednesday the 7th: Started my car to move it out of my garage before work (detached garage). Started just fine, only moved it about 50 feet to a parking spot in front of my apartment. This was at 9am. Fast forward to 1pm. I go to get in to head to work. Turn the key, nothing. As soon as I turn the key over, all the lights and the stereo go black. As soon as I release the key, everything pops back on. I tried 3 or 4 more times and still nothing.


    I pop the hood and check for a loose connection real quick, didn't see anything obvious. Said screw it and tried it one more time. The car started to turn over, would kind of cough around 600 rpms, then shut off. At this point I was out of time and had to go to work so I said screw it. I left it in my parking lot.


    1030PM, same night, I get home from work. Figured I'd try again. Car fires right up. No issues, no hesitation, everythings fine. I'm stumped. Pull it into the garage and go to bed.


    Saturday the 10th: Was about to head to the bar around 10PM. Walked to the garage, car fired right up. No issues. I let it idle for about 10 minutes. Everything was fine. Drove it to the bar.


    2am, same night. Walk out of the bar, turn the key, nothing. Same issue. Turn the key all the way, everything shuts off. I'm pissed because it's 2 am and now my car won't start. Sit there for a few trying to think what it could be.. Decided to try a few more times. Turn the key, car fires up.


    This time, it sits about 1000 rpms and violently shakes back and forth for about 20 seconds then goes to its normal idle. Drove it home, haven't touched it since.


    Any ideas?? I am totally stumped. I have 0 time to work on this thing any time soon with school and work. I'd pay somebody but that will cost a fortune. Kinda pissed because it's about to be good driving weather.


    Really appreciate any help. Sorry for the long story.

  3. LOL every meet we've held has shown rain on Monday. Only once did it actually rain the day of a meet and even then we had 300+ people show up. We have no fear of the weatherman, he is hardly ever correct with his predictions haha.


    It's only a 30% chance as of right now, if it gets above an 80% chance I will start to get worried.


    I was at that meet. 300+ people must have showed up after I left because there sure wasn't anything close to that when I left.


    I'll be out this weekend though

  4. Congrats everyone that ran. My best man from my wedding ran in it. Ran a 1:29. Then drove to Cincy for the Flying Pigs half marathon this morning


    That's nuts. My dad did that last year. Ran the cap city half then did the flying pig full. Props to him.

  5. I was there was well this morning. I set a new PR of 1:36:52! Awesome time! Columbus is definitely better with the crowd support.


    That's quick! My PR is 1:40:14. I was hoping to break into the 30s but decided to run with my dad today. Makes it much more enjoyable.

  6. i need to show up to one of these before they get shut down..there still hot young love-bunnies in attendance? or is it a big sausage fest? Dont want to show up dressed like a gay for nothing...


    Sausage fest.


    The girls that do show up aren't worth looking at.

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