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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19c85hj4aeqk9jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg



  2. One thing I do to keep weight off (when it's not freezing outside) is walk for 30-45 minutes in the morning on a empty stomach. Very low intensity. You can't eat for another 30 minutes after you've stopped.


    There is not a whole lot of science behind it, but from what I gather is it burns off the sugar that your body stored during the night. You know, the sugar you would need if a saber tooth tiger surprised you in your cave and you need some energy to fight it off.


    Seems to help for me. I dropped from from 222.4 to 197.8 in six weeks for a weight loss competition just before the holidays.


    I've always been against any sort of working out before eating. Your body is rpactically starving after being asleep for 8+ hours. You'll end up buring more muscle than you will fat by working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


    It might help some people, but it's not any better than doing it after you eat.




  3. Crossfit Grandview. I would never be able to keep up intensity if I wasn't in a group environment. No garage/basement gyms for me.


    Crossfit Polaris would be the only other gym I would consider going to.


    Nice. I go to Friendship Crossfit in Dublin. Love the place.

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