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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. Data limits. Yeah internet is getting faster, and "cheaper" but i see a future where internet providors begin setting data caps. Want more data/streaming ability? Yeah youre gonna need to upgrade your data cap. Go over that cap and we charge you more than you were paying for cable TV. Its fucked up, considering it costs these companies next to nothing to provide unlimited data. Throttling was just the beginning of it.


    Here is some information on data capping:



    250gb seems like quite a bit, but bit rates on streaming media continue to rise as quality of the content improves. A single HD movie can be up to 8BG.


    Right, same thing cell phone companies started doing.

  2. Only a matter of time before they start catching on and jacking up the price of internet. Or finding some sort of tax or fee for those without a paid television subscription.


    I'm hoping it's quite the opposite actually. I'd imagine companies will start offering gigabit internet in a wider area in the coming months. L.A is wanting to offer a fiber network to all 3.5 million residents with a goal of lowering the cost of the service.


    The goal is to lower the cost of super high-speed Internet connections to make LA a more attractive place for businesses.


    Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/los-angeles-fiber-network-coming-la-introduce-gigabit-internet-35-million-residents-1458154

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