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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. Today's workout was a short one.



    1:00m work, :30 rest

    Alternate between jump rope, sit-ups, air squats, and walking lunges.



    5 rounds for time


    7 thrusters (front squat into overhead push press, one movement) 115lbs

    9 toes to bar

    11 Kettlebell overhead swings 70lbs


    Finished in 11:58


    Do you have a box at home or do you go to one?

  2. Ouch, 6'8" and Crossfit don't usually mix. Good luck to ya.


    All the best seem to be sub-5'11


    It's got its disadvantages, but I really do enjoy it. I just have a crazy long range of motion for all the lifts. I'm used to it though, not like I can change it :)

  3. I work for Allstate as an Auto Claims Adjuster so this is actually what I handle day-to-day. What happened is that an initial estimate was written for damages that could be seen at the time. Once the repair facility tore the car down, they found additional damages and called in a supplement to AS saying that they needed more parts/repair time/money. The supplement crossed the total loss threshold, making your car financially unrepairable.


    I can only speak of how my unit (South California MCO) handles things, but if a supplement is written, that means an adjuster from AS saw the car, since they are the ones in charge of verifying shop supplement requests and cashing the check.

    If the field adjuster who saw your car confirmed it was a total loss, they would have been the ones to call you and explain that, as well as how AS determines their ACV (Actual Cash Value) on the vehicle.


    Who did you speak with on the phone, telling you that the car was a total?



    Nobody directly told me that the car was a total loss. They told me the car will be repaired and it will be done around January 10th.


    Is there a certain percentage that has to be met before the car is totaled? I've always heard 80% but don't know if thats true.

  4. Yep. This happened to me on a civic about 10 years ago. They had an original estimate of $5000, started the work and bumped it to 9,000 immediately, ended up over $11k. Insurance co. Was pissed, I was pissed, shop was elated


    That's what I was figuring they were doing. Hopefully I get some answers tomorrow morning.


    They made sure to wait until after they had ordered all the parts and started the work before saying "oh hey there's another $5000 we discovered". The parts they say they need the extra money for are obvious things too that should have easily been seen initially.

  5. Even more surprising, I'd expect them to total it out as well.


    That's what I was expecting. The shop is the one that called me and left a voicemail with the damage amount. I called the insurance adjuster and left a voicemail asking her to call back ASAP.


    The other crappy part is they are telling me January 10th before I get it back. I wrecked it on Dec. 6th.

  6. Hopefully some of you guys can help me out here.


    I posted a few days back that my Mustang had been wrecked. The initial report from the insurance was that the damage totaled $9,800. They started ordering parts for it and what not.


    Fast forward to today, they call me again. They say they found a bunch more stuff that needs fixed and need another $5,000 to repair the car, totaling $14,800 in repairs.


    I'm wondering why they didn't just total it? The blue book on the car is $15,300. I always thought the damage had to be something like 80% or more of the value of the car in order for it to be totaled.


    Anybody have any info on this? Insurance company is AllState if that matters.



  7. I DD'd my Mustang year round for almost 8 years before I start building a stable so I feel your pain. In the 90s the Traction control is almost a joke, never once put a set of snow tires on her and made it through with hardly a scratch. Definitely some moments where you are puckered up though. I've never turned one of your generation sideways, does it slide predictably or no? Mine once you can feel her break loose you can just kind of work with it...up to a point.


    Glad you are ok though!


    As soon as it broke loose I knew exactly where it was going to go.



    Company came and towed the car away today. After going over it real closely in the day light the door got bent up pretty good as well.


    Said they'd call in the next 2 days to update me

  8. Sucks, glad you're ok.


    No Traction Control? Got TRAC. on my ('92) SC300, works marvelously in the Snow/Rain. I turn it off and the car becomes a death trap...


    It has that AdvanceTrac system that was going nuts when the car started sliding. I think it was just too icey for even that.


    sucks Brian.. I can have snows same day if you need em. call me at work 729-6027


    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Just need to wait and see what the insurance wants to do with it.

  9. Small world, my friend Jimmy mentioned this to me earlier. Apparently he's also a friend of yours too (Jim Mitchell).


    That sucks man, sorry to see.


    I used to work with Jim! Great guy


    Was this on Rt 33 near 42 exit by any chance.


    Nope. Happened out in the country about a mile from my house.

  10. That sucks because that's gonna be a pricy repair.


    Just costing me my deductible thankfully.


    FUCKING SNOW TIRES guys. Saw a guy facing the wrong way in I70W downtown last night. Black 350/370Z.


    Glad you're ok.


    Was actually going to order some with my next paycheck :fuuuu:


    Had no problems doing 65 in a $1000 truck.

    Glad you are (hopefully) alright though.


    I'm ok. Burned my hand a little from the airbag firing but I'm good.

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