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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. Yeah, the signs don't tell you everything. If there are kids on school property visible from the road then it's an active school zone. I posed the question to one of our resource officers (Madison County Sheriff Deputy) how far outside school hours would count, and basically was told if a kid goes and plays on a school playground on a Saturday morning in July, then technically the school zone is effect.


    Pretty much sums it up. Easier way to look at it:


    If kids are outside of the building, on school property, school zone is in effect.

  2. If you destroy or lose a car you purchased by dying or something, is it gone for good?


    No. You can abandon a purchased vehicle, or a vehicle you spent money on upgrading. It gets towed and you can pick it up at the impound lot for $250. Done it multiple times with the million dollar car I bought.

  3. Btw, if she won't sell the car to a young person, she isn't going to sell it. She said she won't let her 25yr old son drive it. My sister grew up with my cars she has driven way faster shit than a stock cobalt. I'm really perturbed about this lady. Peoples versions of power lol


    Did you ask about any of the other 8 cars sitting out front? :lolguy:


    I should stop by on my way home from work tonight at 10 PM just to make her mad

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