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Everything posted by Grudes

  1. There is a rumor that there will be a few 17's with the LSa motor from the factory.
  2. Yea the 6 speeds are defintley hard to find but im hoping that the dealership can track one down. I hear that they are only going to make 1000 units for the 2017 model year and I would like to get ahold of one before they are gone. Seems like you get alot for the money, magnetic ride suspension, LS3, brembos, etc.
  3. As the title says I am thinking about buying a Chevrolet SS and I was wondering if anyone owned one or had any experince with them. Thanks!
  4. Well that took 10mins of boredom out of my work day.
  5. Might bang after a few drinks, reminds me of Sarah Jessica Parker
  6. This whole election is a fucking joke. If either of them make it in office they wont be there very long. Trump has women lining up saying he groped them and Hilary is probably going to be indicted at some point. I would not be at all surprised if this election was postponed.
  7. They finally want a second advisor. They hired a guy but he quit after 2 months. Ryan moved into that little office behind the service counters.
  8. Lash Chevrolet is looking for a service advisor. Monday through friday, no weekends. I dont know anything about what it pays. If interested contact Ryan Sapp at 740-967-8021
  9. We use flemming engine service for all our head work and they do a great job, we usually have them back within a couple days. They are in Utica though.. http://www.flemingengine.com/
  10. http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g19/magickei16/capn.jpg
  11. Saw you turing off of Lee on to Walnut the other day, great looking car
  12. And the AWD TBSS eats front diffrentials like candy
  13. +1 The Heroin epedemic is crazy but most of them seem to be killing themselves off. Not a very good business plan for dealers though. Killing off your customers is bad for business.
  14. Died of smoke inhalation from a house she broke into and set on fire. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2016/10/19/1019-fatal-fire.html
  15. Lol. Columbus car audio does a pretty good job, or at least they did I haven't used them lately.
  16. If its a car you really care about I would get a OE remote starter installed is possible. Alot of the aftermarket set-ups involve cutting and splicing of wires which sometimes ends up causing random electrical problems.
  17. Haha yea Stock vs Stock the SRT will walk all over the TBSS
  18. Congrats!, looks like it has already been lowered.
  19. Ill ljust leave this here... http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g19/magickei16/Dbags.jpg
  20. I thought that it was supposed to be AWD? Oh well new reason for the VTEC afficinados to talk crap I guess.
  21. Hopefulley its not the same SRT8 im looking at. :gabe: Is it a black Grand Cherokee SRT8?
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