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Everything posted by Grudes

  1. Good Lord. I don't have time for all that..
  2. It didn't get cold enough to kill them off over the winter. This summer is going to be horrible for bugs.
  3. At least he got it off the road. :gabe:
  4. What size is the bike? 24", 25".. etc
  5. Try "theknot.com", its a good resource for looking at wedding crap. My wife used it alot.
  6. Your probably just going to have to replace the oil pan if you want it to stop leaking completely. The oversize drain plugs always leak and by the time you dick around with a heli-coil that may also leak you might as well just replacethe oil pan. At least its a truck and you dont have to drop a cradle out of the way or anything.
  7. Grudes

    NFL Draft

    Haha yea F that guy
  8. Nice car and welcome back. Sorry you had you had to come back to Ohio but at least winter is over.
  9. Grudes

    NFL Draft

    That's true, the Browns have so many needs...
  10. GM does that crap all the time, they announce a recall and send out mailers before the parts are even available for the recall
  11. Grudes

    NFL Draft

    The browns need lineman especially offensive linemen. It doesn't matter who is under center if you cant protect him.
  12. What model is it? 2.5X? Never mind read the CL ad.
  13. Grudes

    NFL Draft

    5 Ohio State guys in the first round... not bad. I was hoping to get 6. I don't understand the Browns pick but whatever its the Browns.
  14. Lol http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g19/magickei16/crowd.jpg
  15. Nice pics. Someone I work with went to IFO and was talking about your car earlier today.
  16. Grudes

    Student loans

    Have you done a FAFSA yet? Typically that is your starting point because it looks for grants and government backed stuff. Its sort of an all in one deal. Outside of that you will probably have to look at private lenders like Sallie Mae and banks.
  17. Not to be a smartass but did you try adjusting the mixture on the carburetor? There is an idle adjustment and a mixture adjustment screw. Sounds like something didn't go back together right the 2nd time.
  18. I hear Dyno Brian does Harleys
  19. I was watching the news this morning and they said VW was going to pay or buyback 500,000 TDI cars
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