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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Jacket needs a little cleaning but in great shape. Both pants and jacket are size small. Just the jacket is going for $130 on eBay. $150 for both. Prefer not to split.
  2. Casper

    Member Map

    That's a mod power.
  3. Casper

    Member Map

    You should be able to click the same location button and change your location.
  4. Casper

    Member Map

    https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/membermap/ It's in the menu under "Community". Add your location, as detailed as you wish, by clicking the "Add Location" button just above the map on the right side. For instance, I simply put "Pickerington, Ohio" as my location. Change your location by clicking the "My Location" button. I will slowly be back-filling locations for those who don't set it with coordinates based on zip code only. You can delete your marker if you want. I've updated locations for all members who hadn't already set theirs and have more than 10 posts by mapping their zip to GPS coordinates. You can remove/modify your location at any time. I made it a ton easier for everyone. Now just update the zip code in your profile to change your location. Don't want your location shown on the map? Just delete the zip code from your profile. Easy peasy. You may notice a few non-member locations on the map already. Those are Jimbo's and Fontana Village. The idea here is that we'll add popular destinations to the map as time goes on. The ability for anyone to add a popular destination is coming shortly.
  5. Register already "Drunken Bunny Hops".
  6. http://www.columbusvets.org/motorcycle-ride/2014-ride/
  7. until
  8. Has a date been picked for this? I skimmed but didn't see anything confirmed.
  9. I added the first event to the calendar. If anyone wants to add the rest go for it.
  10. http://www.pumpkinpedaler.com https://www.eventbrite.com/teams/ohio-riders/1529811 This is a fun ride. Bit of drinking involved. All money goes to autism awareness. IP and I did it last year. I setup an Ohio Riders team.
  11. Casper

    RIP Kenny...

    I can't believe it has been seven years.
  12. The BMWs are surprisingly good at pulling a trailer. Not sure about others.
  13. If mostly stock and not a Rubi, should be in the $6k to $9k range.
  14. That's what I fixed. Invoices by default expire after 30-days no payment. I changed that to not expire, and updated all expired invoices.
  15. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSKCN0WI2ZI
  16. I will check later and make sure you're good.
  17. You now have a pending invoice for it (the same invoice from when your supporter subscription was about to expire that you didn't pay). Go here: https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/clients/orders/ You should see a pending invoice.
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