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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Casper

    rm -rf

    That's hilarious.
  2. http://m.sputniknews.com/europe/20160413/1037905992/amsterdam-bomb-threat.html Especially freaky since I was in that airport yesterday.
  3. Casper

    rm -rf

    Isn't Mags a Windows guy?
  4. Casper

    rm -rf

    For Linux admins that should really be Windows admins, yes.
  5. Casper

    rm -rf

    I hear those Windows admins suck, so they need a GUI and someone asking if they're sure.
  6. Casper

    rm -rf

    Windows would've asked ten times if you were sure, then Clippy pops up offering to help.
  7. Great. Thanks for letting me know. I'll look into it.
  8. Casper

    rm -rf

  9. Everything is cached. Probably will correct once cache expires/refreshes. Edits should force a refresh of the cache though. I'll look into it.
  10. What in the hell are you talking about?
  11. Wow. Wish I could justify spending that much.
  12. How was the grip when leaned over? Do they warm up quick?
  13. Ah, I must've misunderstood one of the videos on Revzilla then. I thought they said the regular Angel was ST or something, and the heavier one was GT. My bad.
  14. If you do, I have a shit load of jeans for you.
  15. The Angel GT gets great reviews. The GT is for heavier bikes though. I haven't found many reviews of the regular Angel on a sport bike.
  16. Casper

    Kriega bags

    Anyone have a Kriega bag? Thoughts?
  17. I'm down from 36x34 jeans to 30x34.
  18. I'd rather not. I hate sites with lots of ads. Being a supporter here really doesn't make a huge difference for the user experience. It's more just a way to help keep the site free for the masses, show your support, and get a few extra perks as a thank you.
  19. Exactly. They all kinda suck for one reason or another. Go with the one that works for you where you need it.
  20. It was a mistake that members were able to see who gave rep to begin with. You can stop using the site if you like, or keep using it free without complaining. Your pick. Don't mean to sound like an ass, but I get sick of people complaining about a free website that I run for shits and giggles. This site isn't about making money. If it were it'd be loaded with ads.
  21. We're going to see just how powerful this dome of hate thing is...
  22. I think most people in Cleveland would love to get out.
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