In reality, the volume is extremely low. The first few sticker guys worked out of their basement. The best we've had so far was Art when he worked at Fast Signs. But then he left, moved to the Carolinas, etc. Then the past two were the same company really. One went under, dude bought him out, then apparently he also went under. The stickers are stupid cheap to produce. Art told me the overall cost was like a nickel each. The markup is nuts. The agreements in the past were a set number of stickers per year in exchange for free advertising on the site. They sent me the stickers. If you wanted a sticker, you sent me a SASE and I sent it back with the sticker(s). The past two (same company really) were the only ones to handle the shipping also (which you paid for). I'll most likely be going back to the SASE route. At least then I knew people were getting their stickers and not getting screwed. The other idea I've floated is including a set amount in the supporter membership, which you could then give to whoever (or keep for yourself). Lots of ideas. Mailing out stickers was a pain in the ass. And of course, I have stickers on me almost all the time.