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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Surprised this hasn't be posted yet: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/12/03/us-california-shooting-idUSKBN0TL2F120151203#56fqXk2QGD2SUIGK.97
  2. I'm thinking ground/wiring short, sensor, or ecu.
  3. From the Ohio AG: "The problems must occur within the first year or first 18,000 miles, whichever comes first."
  4. Battery Tender 021-0123 Battery Tender Junior 12V Battery Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CITK8S/
  5. My whole team got laid off today. Trying to help everyone quickly find jobs. If you or someone you know is hiring for Ruby developers, shoot me a PM. Much appreciated.
  6. Bump. Like 4hrs to go and only $51. Pick up a nice pair of boots for cheap.
  7. Shoot me a PM with their info.
  8. Works on all my Apple devices just fine...
  9. Bump. It's getting cold out again so I'm going to start playing again. Anyone in the Columbus area up for some farming?
  10. Is two Duc club cool like two popped-collar cool? Seriously though, who's "in charge" or whatever?
  11. That one is almost definitely an issue on your end.
  12. Fifteen years ago, these were the same folks whose VCRs flashed 12:00.
  13. Pants sold. Jacket is still available. Call it $50 for the jacket. Going on eBay soon.
  14. I've never seen that before. Anyone else?
  15. Casper


    Woah. You may be on to something here.
  16. Casper


    That's what I'm thinking. They're attempting to exterminate anyone who isn't Muslim.
  17. So Butters and Midget have issues.................
  18. Casper


    Terrorists are pussies. Plain and simple. They sneak attack and sucker punch. Got a problem with me, my color, my religion, etc? Come talk about it to me in person. I'll gladly have an intelligent conversation with you. Want to kill me? Let's have a fair fight. Suicide bomb my friends, family, allies, etc? Then the gloves are off.
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