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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Dude, I haven't seen nutswinging this bad since the guy on CR turbo'd his Lambo.
  2. I'm digging north Atlanta housing prices right now, and it's only a few hours to the Gap.
  3. Direct link for those who don't want to read the article: http://online2.msf-usa.org/msf/digitalresources.aspx
  4. I've been eyeing NC, SC, and GA.
  5. Casper


    True. Good call.
  6. I mean, there's no way out founding fathers could have anticipated the internet, thumb drives, digital surveillance, etc. They would totally be for this. Just like they'd be for assault weapons bans.
  7. Casper


    http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/06/us-ukraine-crisis-obama-china-idUSBREA2508E20140306 China is seriously siding with the US? What?
  8. http://dailycaller.com/2014/03/05/nsa-chief-says-legislation-to-stop-media-leaks-is-only-weeks-away/ Magz, I'd love your input here.
  9. I think this winter was the final straw for lots of folks.
  10. Casper


    Apparently Crimea just voted to join Russia??
  11. Dude, that's a lot more than a man crush.
  12. Has to be Euro. There isn't a 50 US pants size from Alpinestars.
  13. Damn I wish those pants were bigger. For anyone interested, I have this same jacket and love it.
  14. Nope. It'll be Atlanta Riders because I'm about to pack my shit and move south.
  15. Eh, shit happens. How you handle it defines your character.
  16. Close. I'm clearing pics from my phone.
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