Reservations are now open. ----------------------------------- Same as last year and the year before, I'll start with the important stuff: Ride your own ride. Enjoy the weekend. Be safe. This is not a competition or a race. This is just a good weekend away with friends. You are responsible for yourself. This is, of course, an "at your own risk" event. Motorcycling is dangerous. These roads are dangerous. Be careful. Ohio Riders (and/or it's owners, blah blah blah) cannot be held liable for anything (like, but not limited to, traffic tickets, accidents, stupidity, death, etc). June 5th through the 8th, 2014. Nothing is officially organized. There are no set routes. It just happens to be a weekend for a bunch of us to meetup down there to have some fun. The weekend is up to you. When you come down, where you ride, who you ride with, where you eat, where you stay (Fontana Village discounts below if you want to stay there), etc is completely up to you. There will be shindigs in the evenings involving fire for us to sit around and tell lies about women, motorcycles, amazing drinking stories, etc. There are a few changes this year. First, we are not staying in the same cabins. Last year we were in 2 bedroom / 1 bath Hemlocks. There's a huge family reunion going on that weekend and they have them booked. I think this is a blessing in disguise. Our group sales rep recommended the 3 bedroom Azalea cabins. They appear to be much nicer. They are also more expensive. However, here's a break down: 2bd/1ba Hemlock, three nights, 4 people = $111.75/ea plus tax 3bd/2ba Azalea, three nights, 6 people = $114.50/ea plus tax As you can see, really not that much more, and you get a lot more. These cabins have 2 full baths, a whirlpool tub, stone fireplace, etc. They're much closer to the pool, grill, lodge, etc. Bonus, they should all have wifi signal. If you'd prefer a 2bd cabin, there are is an option for you below. There are also again lodge rooms. The number of reserved group rate cabins/lodge rooms can be increased if needed and if available, but no guarantees. All bookings must be down by April 5th, 2014. However, I highly recommend booking early as we will fill up again. Once you've booked, send me a PM or post in this thread with your chosen accommodation and who's staying with you. ----------------------------------- Rough Itinerary Thursday (6/5/14): Arrive. Check-in. Meet-n-greet at TBD location. Friday (6/6/14): Whatever you feel like. Meet-n-greet at TBD location. Saturday (6/7/14): Whatever you feel like. Farewell shindig at TBD location. Sunday (6/7/14): Most will be loading up and going home. ----------------------------------- Lodging Fontana Village 300 Woods Road Fontana Dam, NC 28733 828-498-2211 Lodge room: 2 queen beds 2 reserved $95/night 3BDR Azalea Cabin: 3 bedroom (1 queen, 2 twins, 1 set of bunkbeds) 2 bath 6 reserved $229/night 2BDR Hickory Cabin: 2 bedroom (2 queens) 1 bath 2 reserved $189/night ----------------------------------- Who's Going Casper's Cabin: - Casper - Marlboro Man - Gump - CmhSprint - MaxPower - Andre (not sure what his screen name is) 2talltim's Cabin: - 2talltim - Jstump - Habi - Dying Shadow - osumj rollnhot's Cabin: - Mexican Prison Gang (+3 I think) MidgetTodd's Cabin: - Midget - Midget's sammich maker Dori - Hutch - Hutch's sammich maker Mandy Casa de Rawlins - rawlins87 - rawlins87's +1 - carwhore - carwhore's +1 bowdog's cabin - bowdog - bowdog's sammich maker unknown: - 82packer - oldschoolsdime92 - dustinsn3485 - Danimal - granda080 - Jst2fst