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Everything posted by Casper

  1. http://www.theclymb.com/invite-from/BenStillman It's a private discount club type thing. Pretty damn sweet actually. Camping, fishing, cycling, etc. Lots of stuff. Kinda like Steep and Cheap, but with lots more stuff. Full disclosure: If you sign up with the link in this post, if you make a purchase at some point I'll get a $25 credit. Just wanted to put that out there.
  2. http://laughingsquid.com/how-to-make-your-own-beer-can-advent-calendar/
  3. Don't worry. It'll be me doing work on the site. Just a friendly heads up.
  4. Probably not. Need to replace my two-piece with something that fits me better. I swear I've grown taller in the past few years. That or all my stuff (and I mean all) has shrunk. Even the sleeves are shorter on my jackets. I've been wanting to get a nice one-piece for a while. I know if I do a track day I'll be addicted, and the last thing I need right now is another hobby.
  5. Any chance they come in tall(er-ish) sizes?
  6. How's it entry level if it requires experience?
  7. I have a set. When I get home, I'll see if they go up to 4". I know I have a 3".
  8. Oh yeah! Columbus State. They had like four outside IP's and I banned one. Forgot all about that.
  9. Should be fun. Definitely looking forward to it.
  10. Exactly. Only a couple hours away. Easy ride.
  11. Oh geez... Refresh my memory....
  12. If we could get 1,000 people with $3,900 each...
  13. Happened at a Kroger recently. Guy was pretty much forced to resign: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/kroger-manager-resigns-in-wake-of-fatal-shooting
  14. If we got more snow, this thing would be in my garage: http://www.woot.com/offers/husqvarna-30-inch-snow-king That thing is just bad ass.
  15. http://www.woot.com/plus/whirling-blades-of-snowy-doom
  16. So, you're saying it's more like Craigslist's hookup section?
  17. Sounds like a smell, site, sound, etc triggered the memory but in the current place, like deja vu.
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